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Rolling over Aphrodite found herself on a hard, cold surface and a messed up duvet covering her lower half of her body.

"OW!" She exclaimed, she heard the sound of footsteps and the door being slammed open and the peculiar children laughing at the girl.

"Ok now children let's leave Aphrodite." Miss Perigrine said but she was grinning and that didn't going unnoticed.

" Okayyy you can all leave now. I may have just broken my back, buttt it was funny." Aphrodite finally said as she stood up and pulled the covers on.

After fixing her covers and making her bed, Aphrodite headed for her bathroom.

Aphrodite yawned as she brushed her hair and put it into a messy bun, that looked more like a pineapple, and brushing her teeth.

As she walked into her room she looked through all her clothes and picked out flared brown trouseres and a white blouse. Aphrodite tucked her blouse  in and slipped on black combat boots.

Pulling out two pieces of hair at the front and pulling a few extra from around the front, Aphrodite looked in the mirror and headed downstairs.

As she entered the dining hall there was only Horace,Olive, Fiona and Millard sat on their seats. 

Aphrodite slipped onto her seat and began talking to Olive. "Hey Olive!"

Olive turned around and held up a gloved hand and waved, "Hey Aphrodite!" she said and they began small talk.

"So you over Enoch yet?" Aphrodite asked smirking at the red-head.

"W-What are you talking about?" Olive stuttered nervously, Aphrodite smirked at her.

"You know exactly what's I'm talking about." Aphrodite raised her eyebrows before laughing at Olive, who was now flustered.

Shortly after, the hall began filling up and soon only 2 seats weren't taken.

Enoch and Miss Perigrines. Miss Perigrine entered and smiled at the children before frowning as she noticed the empty spot.

A few seconds later the door creaked open and Enoch walked in mumbling something about his dolls.

As Miss Perigrine nodded she noticed that there were bags underneath Aphrodite's eyes.

"Aphrodite," she said sternly making her look up, "why do you have bags under your eyes? Have you not been sleeping well." She asked her, who shook her head as all eyes were fixated on her.

"I have been sleeping fine. I just went to bed  a little later whilst reading a book."

The bird smiled and nodded before carrying on eating. Aphrodite mentally sighed of relief, before beginning to eat.

"Aphrodite?" she heard a hushed voice whisper, she turned around confused. She saw Emma mouthing to her, After breakfast meet me in the garden. Aphrodite nodded and tucked into her yogurt and oats.

After finishing, she excused herself and made her way to the garden.

Looking around she saw Emma dragging a rope along the ground and tying it to the large oak tree.

She made her way over, "Hey Em! What did you want to talk to me about?" She asked the blonde.

"Hey! Well erm I think I like Jake." she said nervously.

Aphrodite and Emma were now heading into Emma's room choosing her a dress.

Aphrodite exclaimed as soon as they reached Emma's room.

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