Waiting and Waiting

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The peculiars glanced around confused, until Claire calls out.
"But you always let us stay." she protested.
Miss Perigrine gave her a look. Everyone knew something was going on, they glanced around the room uncertain of what to do.

As Miss Perigrine left the room to get the phone, she eyes up the older peculiars.
       [this part of the book will be off my memory and        won't be the same as the film as i am unable to get the film, apologies and it might go a bit fast and miss a bit of it out]

"What's happening? She always lets us stay for it?". Claire asked confused.

"It's probably nothing claire." Aphrodite assured her.

"Enoch, go and see if miss perigrines done please." Emma said to him as they watched him peek out the door and see her with a bird in a cage layered with a few soft sheets and a big of food.

He informed us and we all whispered back and forth what made us shocked was the fact the bird turned into an old woman.

Enoch quickly came and sat back down, "Wasn't that the woman emma, jake and the others collected. It was injured, right?" Aphrodite realised and they all did.

"Oh yes it is! But didn't she have a phone call too?" Emma voiced.

"Yes, it seems she did. Do you think that they're connected." olive asked them all.

"No surely not, I haven't recalled anything in our dreams so i assume not." Horace told them.

"Hmm, it was just a thought but be quiet we can't let miss peregrine realise we saw and listened." emma told them.

All of them nodded and they waited for Miss Perigrine to come back.

"Children when you are done eating, go straight to bed." Miss Perigrine entered and looked at them sternly.

Aphrodite took some things and put them on her plate, she began talking to Olive.

When they all finished they all headed to bed, aphrodite headed to her room and changed into a violet nightdress and she put her hair in a low ponytail before falling asleep, she was wondering why miss perigrine acted so strangely today.

When she finally fell asleep she pulled the covers to her neck and fell into a comfortable sleep.

When Aphrodite work up in the morning she heard the sound of many people's footsteps.

She got out of her sheets and quickly gets dressed in some brown jeans and a black jumper tucked in and she put on some black combat boots on with some grey socks.

She left her hair down and left her room, she headed straight down for breakfast and everyone was busting themselves with making their beans fast and she recieved some greetings.

She made herself some porridge and got some frozen grapes from the freezer and put them on a plate and sat down.

She waited for miss perigrine and started eating.

Aphrodite decided to abandon her breakfast halfway through to go and do her daily jobs early. She wanted more time to relax and so she excused herself and made her way to the kitchen.

She opened the freezer and found a dozen ice cube trays she used her powers to fill them all up. This was a quick job that she found easy, but fun.

Her second out of third job today was to dust the stairs posts and polish them. She gathered her supplies and went from top to bottom. Halfway through she was at the top banister she froze; there was a bad feeling, her gut instinct told her to find miss peregrine.

She placed her supplies in a small cupboard under the kitchen sink on the bottom of the two shelves, but something felt wrong. everything went silent, she froze, closing the cupboard quietly she stopped when she saw the children in the middle of the stairs.

She creeped down and stood behind them, she was directly behind enoch and she felt a hand envelope her own. She glanced down the stairs, the sight made her feel sick. Jake was stuck with Mr barrons (i think that's his name i'm not sure please correct me!!:))
arm around his neck. a dangerous blade sticking out of his hand.

Protectively she pulled horace into her.

"Miss Perigrine! What a pleasure to meet you at last. May we come in." aphrodite froze at the way his teeth showed, it made her feel vulnerable.

Miss perigrine stepped back to allow them to enter.

"Children! Would you make your way down the stairs, please?" Mr Barron called up to the group on the stairs, huddled close. The group went to step forward when Miss Perigrines voice halted them.

"I give the orders in this house, Mr Barron." her voice was laced with sternness. (idk if that's a word but oh well)

"Not today." he responded and aphrodite pulled her coat over her slightly in a way to comfort her, her hand found it's way laced with someone else's, enoch.

She glanced up at him and he pulled her closer into him and she moved horace between them both.

"You should know that Jake has served his purpose. If you value his life i suggest everyone does as they're told. Children!" Mr Barron spoke holding Jake tight.

"Shush! No one tells my children what to do! Children, come down here please." The children began to make their way down.

"Miss Perigrine.." Mr Barron began but was cut off by miss perigrine, "I thought I told you to be quiet."

"Children, for Jake's safety were going to do what Mr Barron asks. He wishes to take me with him to his rendezvous in Blackpool. So, for his protection he's like me to assume bird form, preferably caged. He's like you to make your way into a lockable room, such as the parlor." She glanced at the room.

Each of the children slowly made their way to her and gave their goodbyes.

"Miss Perigrine, please be careful you've cared for me and i don't want to lose you, goodbye miss perigrine." aphrodite's  goodbye was sweet and  short.

"It has been my privilege to care for you all. Goodbye, my children." tears ran down her cheeks as she closed the doors to the parlor, and saw the children for the final time.

There was a moment of silence and then the door was flung open, jake was thrown into the room by mr barron.

"Boo." the children jumped. Barron let out a menacing laugh that sent chills down everyones spine, before he left the parlour closing the wooden door behind him.

"Its getting dark, you wont even be able to see there shadows. We have to stay inside its the only place we stand a chance." Jake explained to the rest of them.

"Thats quite right, now where does Miss Peregrin keep her weapons." The woman stood behind the door said.

The children looked at each other before pointing to the room right behind them and some glanced back. Aphrodite grabbed onto Enochs arm, "Will we be okay?" she whispered so that only he could hear.

"Yes, we will. I promise you, aphy." They both held each others hands, not in fear for them but in fear for everyone else.

"In there, lets go." Enoch said in a loud voive so that everyone could hear. The group went to collect anything they could use as a weapon.

"Now alright children, make sure all the doors are locked. And the windows are latched, everything must be sealed up tight. Quickly, quickly go."

When Aprhodite, Jake, Enoch and Emma arrived back. They could see Bronywn pushing a sofa onto the two parlour entrance doors. Olive, Fiona, Hugh and Millard closed the windows.

Then it was silent, the night stilled, they was waiting, they didn't know what for but the knew it was time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15 ⏰

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