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Drenched in sweat, Aphrodite's eyes shot open and her breathing jagged. The same nightmare replaying in her head, that she has had the previous nights before. Something else was going through her mind too, Enochs words from the previous day.

Pulling the covers off of her, she crept to the bathroom she pulled her long top over her head and stepped into the bath that she had just filled with water. Washing under her arms and behind her neck the most.

Aphrodite got out of her bath and wrapped a white towel around her body, she tiptoed back into her bedroom and pulled out a new long T-shirt. After pulling it over head she pulled on some small black socks. The T-Shirt only ended around her thigh just above her knee.

Aphrodite slowly made her way out of her bedroom careful not to make the door sqeak, once she was sure noone heard her, she as quietly as she could knocked on Enochs door. Aphrodite waited a few seconds knowing that he wasn't going to answer she was about to turn around, until she heard the door open.

"Uh hey.." she trailed of unable to say anything else as her nightmare was replaying through her head.

Her breath began picking up rapidly by the minute, she leaned on the doorframe to keep herself upright. Before she knew what was happening a pair of arms wrapped around her figure, enveloping her in his arms, her breath calmed down and she shifted slightly and peeked through her hair.

There stood Enoch. He had his arms around her figure, and was looking down at her, she could see in his eyes an emotion she has never seen in his eyes before. Worry. Worry? She thought, did he care about her. She got rid of her thoughts when Enoch began kissing the top of her head, her heart felt warm and as though she was cared about.

"Thank you.."she said finally getting her words out.

He looked at her, "Did you have a nightmare?" He asked her.

Nodding her head she rested her head on his chest, enjoying there moment. They stayed like that for at least 5 minutes before she lifted her head back up. Enoch unwrapped his arms from her body, he could she had a nightmare as she had red underneath her eyes, and her eyes were bloodshot.

"Was it has?" He asked her, she took a deep breath before nodding.

"Yeah.. it was. It was about my old loop. They kept screaming at me saying I could've saved them."

A fresh set of tears slowly trickling down her face. He sighed.

"I'm sorry.." he spoke so quietly it was almost a whisper.

Aphrodite thought she was hearing things, she whipped her head to him.

"Did you just say..sorry?" She questioned him a smile forming on her face.

Rolling his eyes slightly he nodded, but he smiled when he saw how she seemed so happy.

"Enoch O'Conner said sorry. To me." she said when realisation hit her like a ton of bricks.

She felt butterflies in her stomach as he was warming up to her more. She moved back to the topic, her nightmare.

"My nightmare," she looked up at him, "it was like they were talking to me as though I've failed them." Aphrodite confessed solemnly.

Enoch felt a wave of sadness come over him, he hasn't had anyone care for him nor hate him. He didn't know how this felt for her but he still comforted her.

Aphrodite's eyes began to flutter as tiredness overwhelmed her, her eyes glanced at the clock, 3:45. Without any hesitation her eyes shut she ,unknowingly wraps her arms around his abdomen.

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