Talking with Claire and Bronwyn

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*Third Person POV*

Aphrodite was woken up by the sound of footsteps running down the stairs and a loud voice,"CHILDREN STOP RUNNING!" and a reply of, "SORRY MISS PERIGRINE!" She rolled over and pulled the covers off. Aphrodite headed straight to the bathroom and brushed her teeth and hair. Aphrodite chose a pale blue dress that ended a bit above the knee. She slipped on a pair of skin-coloured tights and some combat boots. She was waiting until it was five minuties until breakfast before heading down. Aphrodite heard the 5 minute bell, she made her way out the door and to the stairs.

She was about to go down when a pair of arms wrapped around her waist, looking down she saw a bundle of curls. "Hello Claire!" the younger girl looked up, "Hii Aphy!" Aphrodite smiled at the nickname and hugged the girl back.Aphrodite made her way into the dining room and sat at her seat beside Claire and Olive.

"Children begin." Miss Perigrine said as she entered her hair in its usual style. Aphrodite put a piece off egg and a piece of toast on her plate. As she finished she caught someone's gaze. Aphrodite stared back until the Scot broke eye contact. Wow that was...weird.

After finishing her chores, Aphrodite headed for the library. She looked upon the many books and chose a few, she got caught up in her reading she egeard the dinner bell go off. Wow she thought I've been reading for 5 hours. Aphrodite got up off the couch and headed to the dining hall, as she entered there were only Hugh,Horace and Claire in there.

She slipped into her seat and began small talk with the younger children. After 5 minuties the seats were full apart from an empty chair at the end of the table. On cue Miss Perigrine entered and nodded giving the signal to began eating. Aphrodite scooped some pasta onto her plate and added a few vegetables.

Once Aphrodite had finished she put her plate in the sink and headed upstairs to Claire's room. "Hi Claire!" The younger smiled at the older one, "Aphy!" she exclaimed in excitement. "What story would you like me to read tonight?" Aphrodite asked the girl dressed in pale pink pyjamas, cuddling a koala.

Claire thought for a moment before answering. "Can you make one up please?" She asked dragging on the E. Aphrodite giggled and nodded her headed and got comfortable on a wooden chair in the corner of the room.

"Well...Once upon a time there were a girl and boy. They hated each other and avoided eachother, until one day when the girl was reading her favourite book. The boy walked up to her and asked the girl if they could stop the hating each other. The girl said yes and then....the girl fell in love with the boy and the boy fell in love with the girl and they live happily ever after. The End."
Aphrodite looked up at the girl smirking, for a 8 year old she is scary Aphrodite thought.

"Yes?" She asked the smirking girl. "So you want that to happen between you and Enoch?" the girl giggled after asking her question. "W-What? No! Claire we've never even had a full Conversation!" Aphrodite  exclaimed whilst she knew she was slightly blushing.

"Well...I still think you and Enoch would look amazing together!" Claire said before yawning and slumping back down and cuddling up to her quilt.
"Goodnight..Aphy." Claire said tiredly before falling asleep. "Goodnight Claire.." she whispered and stood up and headed out the room.

Aphrodite pulled on a long purple nighty before snuggling into the covers. Aphrodite fell asleep with one thing on her mind... Enoch O'Conner.

Waking up from her slumber Aphrodite pulled her cover off her before making her way to the bathroom and brushing her teeth and hair. She made her way to her wardrobe and pulled out a short blue dress that was ombré blue. Going from pale to dark blue and ended around mid-thigh. From the waist was a white cover  and it looked quite pretty.

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