The Announcment

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I was woken up by Miss perigrines voice, I looked over at the alarm clock 8:35. I groaned and rolled over, once I was able to get up I got up and looked through my wardrobe. I picked out some knee high boots with no heels and a red dress it went a little further up then above my knee. Once I was satisfied with my appearance I headed to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and brushed my hair and I let it cascade down my back.

Oh god it's the big day. I walked downstairs and tried not to make eye contact with anyone. "Miss Perigrine can I speak to you afterwards?" She looked at me and nodded. I slid into my seat and everyone began to eat, once I finished the last bite I got a glass of water and used my ice powers to make it colder. Everybody looked amused as they had never seen my ice powers. I chuckled to myself and waited for the rest to finish.

"Alright Children, I need you all to do your usual chores." Everyone then retreated from the room. "Uh...I uh Miss Perigrine I need to tell you something." I confessed, "What is it Miss Mabel?"
"Um well..I'm-I'm bisexual!" I confessed and squeezed my eyes shut. Nothing was happening so I slowly opened my eyes, she was just smiling at me.

"That's perfectly fine,Aphrodite." I looked at her and softy smiled, "It is?" "Yes Miss Mabel." As she returned the smile. I sighed in relief, "I fully support you." I looked down and said I needed to get on with my chores. "Before you leave will you do something for me," I nodded "Can you create an ice rink and decorate the house?" (As it was nearing Christmas time)

I smiled and got excited I swiftly walked out and into the garden. It was empty so I walked into the middle and raised my hands a blue aura was around my hands as ice shooted out my hands. It was very large and took up most space.

Once I was finished with the floor I made waist high walls with beautiful statues of unicorns around the edge on them. In the middle was a huge statue of a bird that was exactly like Miss P, it had never-ending snow coming from it as it fell down slowly. It looked beautiful.

As I entered the house I used my telekinesis to lift everyone to the dining room. "My apologies, but I need to do something around the house so you can't be out there." I told everyone as they looked around confused, I caught Miss perigrines eye as she smiled and told the children they have to stay in there.

I exited and began on the banister and created a beautiful blue and white Garland that stretched the whole thing and twisted around it. It had small snowflakes on it. As I headed upstairs I went to Everyone's bedroom doors and created a pattern in ice with their name on. Around the door frame was a Garland identical to the banisters. Once I was satisfied with my work I headed downstairs into the kitchen.

I covered the chairs and blue covers, the table had a pale blue table cloth on and everything had a soft frost on that was warm to the touch. The tops of the cupboards were covered in a dark blue Garland with white, light frost softly covering it. I headed outside for the second time and covered the plants,trees and flowers with a frost.

The trees had blue lights strung across them in a zigzag pattern, on the house there was snow in the the windows that mage it look like icing on a gingerbread house. It then had icicles hanging down and it looked magical. I smiled at my work and heads to the door, I waved my hand and a reef appeased it was a white and covered with a blue frost and had dark blue flowers on it.

I headed into the house and I swiftly waved my hand over the hallway and the walls had beautiful winter scenes projected on them the pictures had a thin tinsel around their frame. Above me was a soft snow that stopped midair and didn't hit the floor. I walked to the dining room door. "Hey I'm back and the surprise is ready." I said to the unsuspecting group and they all jumped. I slowly opened the door and used my telekinesis to take them upstairs.

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