Months After and his arrival

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It has been 7 months after I arrived in Miss perigrines loop. Me and Emma are so close we are  basically sisters. Olive is pretty close with me too, Claire was like a daughter. Enoch and I aren't awkward anymore but we don't talk to each other much. I was woken up by Millard knocking things off my wooden table, "Millard what are you doing?" I asked groggily. "Whoops sorry I was coming to wake you up but I didn't see the table!" He exclaimed. "Oh ok! Well get out Millard!" I exclaimed at him.
"Oops sorry I'm going now!" I sighed when I saw the door close. I headed over to my wardrobe and picked out a black dress that had ruffled off shoulder sleeves. It stopped just above her knee.

Once I was finished getting ready I headed down for breakfast. I walked into the dining room and saw it was only me and Miss Perigrine. "Good morning Miss Mabel." She greeted me, "Good morning miss peregrine." I said back. "Will you be able to make breakfast for the children? I have to take care of something in town today." I said of course and then she left. It was a little strange that the bird left on such short notice. But I just brushed it off, soon j was done making the pancakes and I set up the jugs of water in the middle of the table.

I then put the pancakes on the table and right on time most of the children came down. "Woah!" Hugh exclaimed, "Did you make this by yourself?" I smiled and nodded. Once everyone was downstairs and eating breakfast, I heard someone say my name. "Aphrodite, where is Miss Perigrine?" Olive asked me. "She had to take care of something in town." She nodded and carried on eating. Once everyone was finished I washed the dishes, tidied the kitchen and did any jobs Miss Perigrine would do.

A while later I was sat reading a book on the sofa when the bird entered. She didn't say anything but walked to her office. "Hey Aphrodite me and Millard are going for a walk." I nodded and carried on with my reading. A while later Emma and Millard entered and the were carrying a boy, he had black hair. They took him to Miss perigrines office, soon they came out and took him to a room to sleep in.

Once he was in there they came out and I watched them as they walked outside. I decided to head over to Emma and ask her what happened. "Hey Emma, What happened?" She sighed and looked at me "We was walking around when the boy entered our loop. I shouted "Abe!" But he turned around and ran and fell unconscious." I sighed and somberly  looked at her. She had told me the story of her and Abe.

A while later me, Horace and Fiona were talking in the garden when Miss Perigrine calls us for dinner. We head inside and sit at our seats but I notice an extra chair between me and Claire. We was all chatting and smiling, when the door creaked open. The boy that looked exactly like abe walked inside.

"Children this is Jacob Portman." Miss P introduced him, all the children looked around and shared glances. I coughed loudly to get everyone's attention and I looked at the boy. "Oh Hi I'm Olive." Olive finally said when she caught on we went round the table and told him our peculiarities. There was only me left, he looked at me. "Hi I'm Aphrodite and my peculiarities- " he cut me off before I could finish.
"Peculiarities? More than one." I nodded and carried on "As I was saying I have aerokinesis and control the elements." I say like it's no big deal but he looks at me with his mouth agape. I just smile at him and all the others apart from Enoch laughed at his expression. I then remembered the empty chair, "Here." I smiled and pointed at the chair between me and Claire. We all started eating but i noticed Claire wasnt eating. Hugh must've noticed this too, "Claire, why aren't you eating?" Before I could say anything Horace said "It's because she's embarrassed!" I glared at Horace and rolled my eyes. "You have nothing to be embarrassed about." Jake said, I smiled at him and he smiled back. I swear oh the corner of my eye I saw Enochs cheek slightly pink and he was glaring at Jake. Claire took the chicken drumstick off her plate reached behind her head with one hand and lifted her curls. When her hand returned the was no chicken left on the bone. Once dinner was done we headed to the living room, I was between Enoch and Jake and Emma was on the left of enoch. Horace placed himself in the armchair and started playing it. The beginning part was the usual until it changed to a black haired girl kissing a blonde! Emma! I gulped nervously because nobody knew that I am bisexual. (Btw if u want to be straight in the story you can but SPOILER: there will be gxg parts but no smut) I looked at Emma and we were staring at each other for a moment before the screen flashes to a boy and a girl. They looked very familiar... Oh god. It was me and Jake. I could feel everyone's eyes on Me,Emma and Jake. "Mr Somnusson, that is enough thank you." Miss P sternly said but before he could remove they eye price it flickered to another couple kissing...Enoch and Me! Oh bloody hell, I mentally rolled my eyes and I could feel the blush rising to my cheeks. I coughed awkwardly, "I better go now.." and awkwardly walked out. As I was reaching the top of the stairs I heard Miss P send everyone to bed. I quickly hurried my pace and reached my bedroom, as I slipped of the dress I picked out a white nightgown that had a pale green trim. Once I was under the covers I couldn't fall asleep but eventually managed to.
I knew I had to sleep good because I was making a big announcement tommorow.

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