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Dear Keefe, 

Back in the Human world, we had something called facial recognition. This instrument helped investigators of murders and other crimes find someone by their facial description that a witness usually gave the police. 
In the Lost Cities, they have something similar to that. I can't remember if I told you this- and it doesn't matter if it's a secret because you're not going to read these letters anyway probably- but Mr. Forkle has a "secret" office. He took me there once. It was incredible. He has these cameras, and I can't really describe it. The thing is that he can enter any picture or any name into his database, and his computers will find that person. 

Amy remembered a name. Or at least something similar enough to a name. She thinks it was that person's cover name in the Neverseen. She says it was Tiery. Not a very intimidating name for a person of his size, but that might've been the point. She remembers someone calling him Tiery right after he said what he said. Then everything went black. 

Baby steps. 

I can't wait to see you,

Your Foster ❤

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