Keefe's POV

Keefe scribbled in his paper, crumbled it, and threw it over his back. Again, he thought. He pulled another piece of paper from the top of his desk and got to sketching again. 
He had been bored for days. It had already been six days of being awake, and he was fine. He wasn't sure why Elwin was still keeping him in the healing center- although he didn't complain if it meant not spending time with his obnoxious dad. It made him feel trapped, though. Like he couldn't go out and be with his friends because he had to be under Elwin's radar in case anything in his ability change or if he developed another one. 

He threw another paper over his shoulder. Why was it so hard to do a basic circle?! Why did a weird oval thing always turn out instead of the circle he wanted to draw? He was pathetic, he couldn't even draw a basic shape! And now he was even more pathetic for complaining about drawing a circle when he could possibly have a dangerous new ability.

"Chill out Hunkyhair, or you'll drown me in crumpled papers." Ro threw one of the pieces at him. He caught it in the air. 

"Don't worry, Romhilda, I'll get it soon enough." As soon as he said her full name, he heard the sound of Ro's blades out of her pocket. "Ro. Ro. I said, Ro."

"You're worse than I thought! Being six days without fresh air is making you go all cookoo. We have to get out of here," Ro suggested. 

"As much as I love that idea," Keefe started, turning to see her. "I don't think it's a great one, especially if Elwin catches us. We'd have to stay here another week!"

Ro opened her mouth to reply when Elwin walked in. "Don't worry Keefe, you'll be out of here in no time. In fact, I was hoping you could leave today. It'll be lonely without you and Ro here to cause chaos but I will survive."

Keefe smiled widely. He was leaving! Finally! He couldn't wait to see Sophie- er- everyone. "Sick! What do I have to do to leave?" 

"Just sit here while I examine you," He pointed towards a table and Keefe hopped on. He saw Elwin put on his glasses, extend his neck and narrow his eyes like he couldn't see correctly. Keefe thought he looked funny. "Everything seems normal, I guess you're free to go then!" 

"Alright!" Keefe jumped from the table, going dizzy from standing too fast. 

"On second thought-"

"No! No, I'm fine! Don't worry your litle physician head for nothing, I'm completely fine." He interrupted. "Ro! Let's go!" 

Ro looked at Elwin and snorted. "For the record, I'm going because I want to see your heart eyes when you see Blondie, not because you're telling me to."

"Oh that reminds me," Elwin jumped in before Keefe could defend himself, so he just narrowed his eyes at her. "Sophie came by earlier to check on you but you were asleep so she told me to give you the message to go to Havenfield when you woke up."

Foster had come? And she told him to meet her? Why would she want to meet Keefe? 

"Ooh, Hunkyhair is blushing!" Ro snickered, and suddenly Keefe became much more self-conscious. 

He rolled his eyes at her. "Let's just go. Thanks for everything Elwin." He gave him a half-smile and pulled a leaping crystal from a pocket in his cape and walked into the light. 


Keefe wandered around Havenfield's pastries looking for Wynn and Luna but he didn't find them- they found him. He heard neighing in the distance and before he could turn around, he found two adolescent alicorns jumping on top of him as he fell. This is when he truly realized how long he had been gone. The last time he saw them they were only babies and now they were all grown up. They licked his face happily. He wondered if he tasted good since they wouldn't stop.
He sat up, petting their manes and laughing as they continued to lick his cheeks and ears. 

Dear Keefe ↠ A Sokeefe Story ✔️Where stories live. Discover now