
Sophie opened the front door and chanted into the empty room, "mom? Dad?" but apparently no one was home. They must've gone to Atlantis or somewhere else. She got sad remembering the time when she had just arrived to the Lost Cities and Grady and Edaline couldn't go out because of the fear of the looks and judgemental faces they'd get. Since they had lost Jolie it hadn't been the same for them, and Sophie understood that; she never wanted to experience anything like it. But then she came along and it was suddenly all better. Of course, it took her a while to get used to them and it took them a while to get used to her- but it was nice that they made each other's lives better. 

Sophie opened the fridge and found Custard Bursts. She grabbed one and happily gave it a bite. Edaline must've cooked when she was gone. She had been gone all day long, but she hadn't been counting on it. She thought it would be a maximum of 20 minutes at Fitz and Biana's but she ended up staying all day. They played all sorts of games and had so much fun she forgot. 
She forgot she had told Keefe to meet her that morning. She felt horrible for forgetting. He had been gone for so long it didn't occur to her to hail him or anything else. 
She lost appetite all of a sudden, and left the custard burst in a little bag labeled "Sophie's! Don't touch!". 

Sophie wondered if Keefe had arrived. Would he have minded that she wasn't there? What would he have thought when her parents told him she was gone, when she had told him she would be there? 

"Is everything okay?" Flori asked her when she noticed Sophie had stopped eating. 

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking." She smiled. 

Flori chuckled, "as always! Although, stop yourself from overthinking things that don't have such a deep meaning. It could make things worse."

"I'll try not to, but there's nothing I can really do about it." She shrugged. It was true- there were just some things she couldn't control- like overthinking. 

Keefe must hate her now. He must've had curiosity to know what she was gonna talk to him about. Part of her was glad she didn't meet up with Keefe, though. She was terrified of what she was going to tell him or what their conversation might lead up to be. She remembered that when she was crushing on Fitz she got all clumsy and awkward; that had never really happened with Keefe but what if it did now? What if her new-found crush made things weird and awkward like with Fitz? She was never able to tell him some secrets, but Sophie didn't feel that way with Keefe. She felt like she could be completely honest with him- but what if that trust came from just seeing him as a friend and nothing else? 

Ugh, feelings were complicated. 

"Oh no. I know that look," She heard Sandor grumble. 

"What look?" 

"The 'a boy lives in my mind now' look." 

"Pffft, I don't have a look for that! Plus, no boy has ever 'lived' in my mind." Sophie defended herself. 

"Yes you have, you and I both know it- the bad part about this is that you're thinking of that Sencen boy."

"W-wh-whaaa-what?! Where'd you get that crazy idea?!" 

"You talk in your sleep."

Sophie shot him a death glare. "Let's just go upstair, shall we?" 

"If you want to avoid the topic so badly, then let's go." Sandor walked upstairs and inspected the room along with Flori. 

"Hey Sophie, you might want to take a look at this!" Flori yelled from the inside of her room. That was weird, they had never found anything in her room before. 

Dear Keefe ↠ A Sokeefe Story ✔️Where stories live. Discover now