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"Let's teleport! It's easier that way!" Sophie ran outside, draggin Flori and Sandor with her.

"Sophie wait!" A voice shouted from the pastures. She stopped and turned around. Her eyes opened wide in shock of who—of all people—had called for her.

"Don't do it!" Fitz ran to where she was standing.

"Fitz what are you doing he-"

He put his index finger to her lips and said "wait, let me do the talking. Just hear me out."

Sophie, surprised of how intimate he was being, stood there speechless.

"Look," he paused, gulping. Then his eyes met hers again. "I know I saw you just today, but I needed to say something to you before you went and did...something else. I had a chat with Biana right after you left—and this isn't her fault I kind of forced it out of her—but she told me you-" he looked down. "-that you had a crush on Keefe."

Sophie frowned and opened her eyes even more if it was possible. She'd murder Biana when she saw her. She had no business telling Fitz! What was wrong with her!

"I forced it out of her!" Fitz said when he noticed Sophie's noticeable rage. "The point is that it wasn't her fault, but that's not what I came here to tell you." He took a deep breath, and his teal eyes bored into hers once again.

"I- I like you Sophie. I know I screwed up before, and I shouldn't have, and it all just happened so badly and I'm so so sorry it all happened that way, but I still like you, I never stopped. I know I hurt you, and I pushed boundaries that shouldn't have been pushed, but if you give me another chance I swear I'll be better. Just...give me that chance."

She shook her head in disbelief. Was this true? Did her ears work correctly? Was this a dream? This had never happened to her before. Two boys had just told her they liked her in the very same day. She wasn't even decently liked when she lived in the San Diego, and now two guys were "fighting" for her?

"Fitz, I don't-" she started, but was quickly cut off by a kiss. Fitz has kissed her. Fitz was kissing her. It felt magical, her insides did backflips, and front flips, and all sorts of flips. She didn't think she still had feelings for him, but now she wasn't so sure. She felt the chemistry, and the feeling of belonging right there with him. She didn't want to let go. But what about Keefe? What did that mean?

"Alright that's enough." Sandor split them up, and suddenly Sophie felt much more accompanied than before. She felt herself blush and saw that Fitz was blushing too.

It seemed like something from a movie, where the guy prevents the girl to make a mistake before it's too late by kissing her at the end of the movie. And then they lived happily ever after. Was this that? Was she really meant to be with Fitz and not Keefe?

"So? That felt pretty electric to me..." Fitz made her jump out of her trance. She looked at him and his handsome face was all red, and he was biting his lip.

Sophie smiled. "It did to me too," she paused. Was this the right call? It certainly felt like it. "Let's give it another shot. As long as you keep your promise of staying in your boundaries I think we can make it work."

Fitz laughed, grabbed her and spun her in the air like she didn't weigh anything. She laughed along with him and held onto him as he spun her. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! You won't regret this!" He kissed her cheeks, getting adorably excited.

"I certainly hope so!" Sophie smiled at him.

"So we're not going anymore?" Flori jumped in. Her tone of voice sounded sad.

Sophie didn't take her eyes of Fitz. "I don't think so...no."

Fitz rested his arm on her shoulders and walked towards the Havenfield exit. When they arrived Sophie grabbed it, along with his other arm and held his hands.

Dear Keefe ↠ A Sokeefe Story ✔️Where stories live. Discover now