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Dear Keefe,

There's been a slight change of plans. Remember how I told you Glimmer was finally with us? Well, apparently we trust her enough to send her back to the other side.

The truth is that we NEED Mr. Forkle here to run The Black Swan with the rest of The Collective. He can't just leave. That's why (to my hesitation to it) The Collective decided to send Glimmer to the Neverseen HQ instead. See what we're up against and wholeheartedly trust she isn't going to play both sides.

We'll try to keep contact with her and train her in knowing when she's being manipulated and not fall into the trap. I know it's not a fool proof plan, but there's not much of a choice either.

On another news, I think you're starting to wake up which makes my insides jump from excitement! I can't wait to hear your voice and your bad dad jokes and your stupid meaningless flirtiness.

I really can't wait to see you,

Your Foster ❤️

Dear Keefe ↠ A Sokeefe Story ✔️Where stories live. Discover now