How They Feel About PDA {Preference}

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Jim: not so much a fan of it, usually only enjoys affection when the two of you are alone

Bruce: he loves to show the passion he has for you, but tries to avoid too much of it around other people as a form of respect - which you completely understand and agree with

Jerome: this man is PDA, he lives for it - that being said, you are always prepared for random kisses or to just start making out in the most random situations. He wants people to know that you belong to him, and makes sure they do

Victor: well, he has mixed feelings for PDA - he, like Jim, would prefer to show affection during your alone time

Oswald: the only types of PDA he enjoys showing is hugs, kisses (cheek, hand, lips, etc.), and hand holding - the rest he would rather show you when you both are alone

Edward: he is adorable in the way that he likes PDA, whether it be little love notes, forehead kisses, hand kisses, comforting hugs, any of the little 'fluff' types of PDA he lives for - the rest is for the bedroom

Jeremiah: he isn't a fan of it unless he wants to make a point relating to it, especially when someone chooses to look at you the wrong way - he really confuses you with his affection, he hates it, likes it, doesn't like it, doesn't love it, loves it... well, you just roll with whatever happens and take it as a normal thing for him

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