How You Met {Preference}

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Written by: @Lindsay_Mania

Jim: You were an intern for the G.C.P.D and tasked with helping Jim.

As you walked through the G.C.P.D, your heels clicked against the floor and a light breeze tugged at your skirt. The air was cool and coffee filled your nostrils. It was your first day as an intern here, and you were very excited. You were told to help out with whatever Detective Gordon needed, apparently he was on an important case. Being the responsible person you are, you got to work immediately, finding Jim Gordon. After looking around for a while, you found the man you were looking for. He was standing in front of his desk talking to Detective Bullock, presumably about the case. Walking up the steps, you gently tapped him on the shoulder.

Jim's P.O.V

I was talking to Harvey about the current case we were investigating, when a tapping on my shoulder interrupted me. Curious, I turned around to face the person who did it. I was face to face with a somewhat petite young lady, her h/c hair was pulled into a bun, letting her bangs frame her face. She wore a short black pencil skirt, a white blouse, and a pair of 1 inch heels. She looked very professional, yet, cute.

"Um, are you Detective Gordon?"

"I am. Who are you?"

"Oh, I'm sorry how rude of me. I'm the new intern here. Y/l/n. Y/f/n y/l/n."

She reached out her hand to shake mine, which I obliged.

"Well, a pleasure to meet you Ms. Y/L/N. What can I help you with?"

"Actually, it's the other way around, Mr. Gordon. I have been told by Commissioner Essen to help you with whatever you needed."

I smiled. "Well, a coffee would be nice right about now."

She returned the smile. "Right away, Mr. Gordon."

As she left, I heard Harvey whistle behind me.

"Damn, where's my intern? Lucky dog."

I rolled my eyes. I was very lucky, wasn't I?

Bruce: You met Bruce on the streets of Gotham, no you don't live on the streets! You were walking home from a busy day at work and bumped into him.

Bruce's P.O.V

I still don't understand what Selina finds so appealing about living in the streets. Perhaps, it is liberating to her? A sense of freedom? Nonetheless, as hard as I may try to understand, I think it would be best to confront her and ask her myself.

I walked down the cracked sidewalk, trying to remember if I take a right, or a left. As I tried to recall, I collided with a small figure.

Groaning, I held my head, throbbing from the impact.

"Oh! My gosh! I am so sorry! I-I wasnt paying attention!"

I glanced up from my position on the ground, to see a girl. Her face was pale, and her eyes were wide.

"It's no trouble, really. I wasn't paying attention either."

I gave her a small smile as she offered a hand to help me up.

"Woah, you're Bruce Wayne!"

"Yeah, that's me. And you are?"

"Oh! I'm Y/N. Y/F/N."

She beamed up at me before looking down at her watch.

"Oh boy! It was nice running into you! I have to go!"

As I said bye, she took off in a hurry.

What a strange girl.

Jerome: How Jerome and you met is a very...strange...story, to say the least. He had just come 'back to life' after the whole Gallavan incident. After he had taken care of Dwight and gotten his face back, he strolled outside of the building he was in and went back to his hideout. Upon walking inside he saw a girl, you, strolling through the park in the middle of the night, and it peeked his interest.

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