Chapter 2

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Few Days Time Skip: Kenma's POV

....Where's my cat....?

I looked around quickly, a bit worried. Could he have gotten out? Did I leave the door open????? Oh no.. I called my cat's name, checking absolutely everywhere. I looked under the bed, in the closet, in the bathroom, in his cat tree... 

He wasn't anywhere. I groaned heavily to myself. I grabbed my phone and put out a little message for anyone if they find him before grabbing my jacket and heading out to go look for him. 

Kuroo's POV


"What the f- where did you come from huh?" I asked, turning around and seeing a small white cat with yellow and black markings. I picked the cat up and looked at it.

"How did you get- ....Do I have a soulmate who's irresponsible enough to lose a cat?" I grumbled, setting the animal on my lap and checking for tags. I saw an address and grabbed my phone to put the address in before seeing someone posted a "lost cat" post. I double looked at the cat and the picture before sighing.

"....Guess.. Guess I'm gonna take you back to your owner. And Guess I'm finding my soulmate today huh?" I said, the cat staring at me before looking like it was gonna smack me.

"Don't you dare-"


"...If you take after your owner, we are NOT gonna get along." 

Kenma's POV

I looked down when my phone rang. It was an unknown number, but maybe someone found my cat.


"Hi, are you, Kenma??"


"I found your cat."

"You did? Where was he?"

"...You won't believe me if I told you." 


"Never mind. I'll tell you when I return him. Should I bring him to your home?"

"Yeah. My address is on his collar, if it hasn't fallen off."

"No, it's still here. I'll.. see you in a bit." The guy on the phone said. He sounded slightly uncomfortable, and I'm not sure why. But as long as he found my cat, I don't care. I returned home and waited until he got here.

After about 20 minutes, there was a knock at my door. I answered it quickly and saw a man look down at me, my cat in his arms. I smiled faintly, holding my hands out and being given my cat.

"Thank you for finding him."

"I have something else for you." The man said, making me furrow my brows. I stood there a little bit concerned when he went to his car, but I widened my eyes slightly when he pulled out a small box. He carried it over and set it down.

"...So, are these your things?" He asked, showing me the box. I slowly nodded before inviting the man inside. He followed me to my room and I dragged out the boxes of things I had found. The ones that are supposed to belong to my soulmate.

"...Are these yours?" I mumbled, the man nodding after going through it.

"...Yep." He said, both of us standing there awkwardly. So. This was seriously supposed to be who I love and marry?? I wasn't exactly sure what I imagined, but this wasn't it.

"Um. I'm Kuroo."


"Nice to finally meet you." He said with a small smile. I slowly nodded, staring at him. I mean... At least he was handsome physically. So.. there's that. I guess.

"Yeah. Nice to meet you.. too." 

"So, you must really like video games considering all the stuff I've found." He said with a small laugh.


"...Do you like any sports?"

"Not really."

"...Do you like hunting?"








Kuroo's POV

Good lord this man was boring. Wait no, don't think that way. I don't even really truly know him... 

He was, cute I guess. Actually anyone could see he was cute. Very cute, but, he didn't quite seem like what I had imagined. Did I even really imagine anything? I don't know, but It wasn't this. But I should give Kenma a chance.

"Hey, uh, do you mind if I stay for a little bit?" I asked, Kenma shrugging and nodding. I mean, if he and I are literally connected by fate, then, may as well get to know him. Kenma set his cat down and double checked his door was closed this time before telling me I could sit anywhere.

I sat down slowly on the small couch in the apartment room while Kenma sat down next to me. Admittedly, this was extremely awkward. We had already gone through our interests. And none of them were the same. Kenma didn't like any type of sports, contact sports, hiking, really anything that involved moving. 

All he was interested in was video games, his cat, and that seems to be about it. I wasn't particularly interested in video games, and I wasn't exactly any good at them either. As for cats.. They're so... stuck up. I prefer dogs if I had to pick a pet, but the apartment I live in won't allow any pets except for ones like cats or anything else small and quieter. 

"So Kenma, this what you imagined?" I asked jokingly, Kenma glancing at me.

"Not really."

"...Right. Anyway, a cat is quite something to lose huh?"

"He wandered out the door."

"Oh, well, that's one reason I won't get a cat. All they want to do is leave when they feel like it, and then they wind up lost huh?"

"I guess." Kenma replied quietly. Okay... I guess he isn't huge on conversation huh? Well, maybe he and I would have better luck another day.

"Hey, Kenma. I should get going."


"...Are you free at all, this weekend?"


"Would you be interested in hanging out together then?"


"Great. Well, I have your number now. So, I'll text you later about it, yeah?"

"Yeah." He said as I got up. Kenma walked with me to the door and thanked me again for finding his cat. I nodded and headed out, walking to my car. One I was sat inside, I sighed heavily. If Kenma and I were going to be together, this was gonna take a while.

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