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"He is?!" Alex said happy and very worried by the news.

"Yes, but he is dying... we need to hurry if we want to save him." I put my arms underneath Sabre and slowly lifted him up from the ground. He did make a sound or move a muscle when I did. That is not a good thing.

"How?! We don't have any medical supplies and neither of us have powers." Alex said slightly panicked. I was too, but remained calm. Panic does not help anyone.

"For now let's get out of this hole and back to Emerald Steve. There is a lot of smoke in here." Alex nods and we both slowly make our way out of the hole. It was a lot more difficult than before. I had to keep carrying Sabre and make sure his heart was still beating.

We got out of the hole and I put Sabre down. I look through my inventory to see nothing helpful that we could use. We were right next to a mesa biome and a savanna biome so we can not get anything from the resources nearby.

"Go get Emerald Steve over here. I will think about what we need to do and get the small pieces of glass out of his skin." Alex nods and runs to Emerald. I start pulling out the small pieces of glass from his skin. After taking out fifteen pieces of glass it did not look like there was more left except for the large one in his side. By then Emerald and Alex were next to me.

"That idiot! What was he thinking?!" Emerald Steve said angrily. Alex was upset by his anger, but did not say anything.

"For now let's make sure he does not die." I say. Emerald looked through his inventory just like Alex was. After a few seconds they both showed me they had nothing.

"We don't have anything on us and there is no way we can get resources for anything from here." Alex states even though we all already knew that. If only we could get to Galaxy, then we can get more help and be able to get what we need. I felt my cloak lay against my back giving me an idea.

"Does anyone have a sword?" I asked. I do not have one on me, but if I have one I can at least stop the bleeding around Sabre's head and side wound.

"I do." Alex tells me as she gives me an Iron sword. Perfect. I take it from her quickly and use the sword to cut off half of my cloak. I cut it a few more times to now have some poorly made bandages. It's better than no bandages at all. I used some of the bandages around the wound on Sabre's head. I also had enough of the wound on his side, but I needed a little bit of help first.

"Alex I need you to take the glass out before I can bandage. I do not know much quickly his blood will spill out of his wound." Alex nods and puts her hand on the glass. I gave her a nod and she pulled out the glass. It quickly started to bleed more heavily and I used bandages to stop most of the bleeding. I then apply pressure on the wound to help the wound from bleeding too much into the bandages.
"Okay now what?" Emerald asked as I kept the pressure on the wound.

"We can not move until the wound stops bleeding."

"Then where do we go from there?" Alex asked me. I think for a few seconds.

"Let's see if we can get to Galaxy." I tell her. So far that is the only thing I think we can do, but we have no idea on how to get back. If me or Alex could teleport there we would, but neither of us have our powers.

"Where is he?" Emerald Steve asked.

"At a big rainbow street surrounded by a stone wall." Alex tells him. I do not know how that will help by telling him though. Even if he can teleport it is very difficult for a steve to teleport to a place they have never seen before.

"Okay. I'll teleport us there." He says with confidence in his voice.

"Really? You have never been there before." I tell him as a little warning. He ignored it though.

"Yeah, of course I can, let's go." Thunder struck on all of us and I use myself as protection in case these injuries Sabre through the teleportation. My vision went white and I closed my eyes. When I opened them again we were at the large rainbow tree.

"How did you do that?" I asked in utter confusion. Alex was confused as well.

"It's something Emerald Steves can do." He says. I should be more grateful than confused, but I was still confused.

"Alex? Guardian? Is that a Green Steve?!" I heard the familiar voice of Galaxy Steve behind us. Without really thinking I used my now shortened cloak to hide Sabre from him. He is Sabre's best friend.. And I do not think he will be exactly thrilled to see the terrible condition he is in.

"Emerald!" Emerald Steve yells back at him.

"Sorry... where is Sabre?" Galaxy asked us quickly, realizing that Sabre was out of his sight. Alex and Emerald say quiet while I move my torn cloak out of the way to show him Sabre.

I saw the joy in Galaxy's eyes disappear in the blink of an eye. He ran toward me and looked at Sabre in absolute shock and horror. Most of all he was scared. He takes Sabre's hand and I could see tears welling up in his eyes.

"What happened?..." He asked us. I myself have never seen Galaxy in so much despair before. I just could not bring myself to tell him. Alex thankfully spoke up.
"Well...The End Crystal exploded..." Alex started the long story that I did not want to hear.
(Words 1018)

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