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Galaxy's point of view
I was fishing with Alex. It was a really nice day to fish. I was trying to catch some pufferfish. The Guardian has been gone for a while now. Illusion said he was going to try to get to the spirit world again. I've been thinking of finding a way to cure the sickness. It would be nice for Sabre to wake up and not have to worry about it or anything else. Alex's line caught a fish. She pulled it out of the water.

"Good catch!" I told Alex. She smiled and put the fish in a bucket.

"Thanks. I've been getting a lot better at fishing because of you." She says as she casts another line.

"What do you want to do after this?" I asked her.

"Not sure. Usually we are so busy fighting we don't have as much free time as we do now." Alex looks around.
"Yeah and I was always fighting my brother. This is the first time I've really had free time, Rather than before when I had no memories of Void, Elemental, or Time." I told her as I continued to wait for a fish to bite my line.

"Yeah... I wish I could have met Elemental." Alex muttered. I nodded.

"I wish I could too- wait! Maybe I can!" I jump up and drop my fishing rod. She looks at me.

"What do you mean? He's gone now right?"

"Yes he was destroyed, but all that energy is inside of me now! I was able to bring Time back after I absorbed him, why not Elemental!" Alex's eyes light up. I smiled brightly.

"You're bringing my older brother back?!" Illusion said from behind me. I jumped and fell into the pond. I quickly go to the surface.

"Yeah... I can't bring Time back though since you destroyed him...."

"What do you mean? I didn't destroy him?" Illusion said with confusion.

"But you destroyed him! I saw you-"

"That was an Illusion." Illusion said bluntly.

"Oh... can you bring Time back too?" I asked.

"Sure. How are you going to bring Elemental back though?" Illusion asked me.

"Like this." I raised my hands in front of me.

"Like what-" Alex was cut off by the lighting as it struck in front of me. Everyone moves back away from the lighting. I felt my energy drain very quickly as I focused on bringing Elemental back. Soon he was standing in front of me while I was crouching down. Alex went over to me and helped me up.

"Hello?" Elemental said in confusion. He stood tall with fire red hair; his body was mostly made of dirt and soil. His arms and legs were covered in vines, water, and Lava. He wore dark brown pants. A green long sleeveless jacket to keep his lava and water hands from causing any damage. His hair was also up in a small ponytail. It was him. My son.

"Hey Elemental." I say with a smile. I really need to eat something.

"Time? Rainbow? Sabre?" He asked as he looked around. Right those are the last memories he had before going to the spirit world. Dying while with Time, Rainbow and Sabre.

"I can't help with Rainbow and Sabre can't come over, but I can bring Time here." Illusion says as he strikes lighting in front of him. Time appears. He had his brown cloaks with gold buttons. Dark brown jeans and a clock mask that helps control his powers.

"Sabre don't- '' Illusion? Galaxy? Alex?" Time says as he looked at us then saw Elemental. Elemental then saw Time. We all stayed quiet.

"Time?" Elemental says and backs up from him slowly. Afraid that he would be upset. Time runs to him and hugs him tightly.

"You're back! I thought you were gone forever!" Time said happily a bit shorter than Elemental. Elemental hugs him back and smiles.

"Did it work?" Elemental asked Time.

"Yes it worked, but don't do that again. I need to catch you up with everything. Galaxy is our creator-"

"Galaxy?" I waved hello.

"I"m Galaxy Steve. That Alex. The one who brought your brother back is your other brother Illusion."

"I have another brother?" Elemental says confused. Illusion nods and explains everything before the explosion to Time and Elemental to catch them up. Once he was done explaining. Elemental hugged me. I apologize for leaving him alone for so long.

"I'm sorry that Rainbow is gone."

"It's alright... but we aren't done explaining everything." I say. Time looks around.

"Where is Sabre?" Time asked us.

"I'll show you... follow me." Alex says. I was a bit relieved that I didn't have to be the one to deliver the news. We went into the house and walked to the bedroom where Sabre is. Nothing has changed rather than the wounds that are slowly healing.


"He isn't going to wake up... There was an End Crystal that exploded and he almost died... he hasn't woken up..." Alex tells Time. Elemental went next to Sabre and took his hand.

"How long?"
"Over a week. He hasn't moved a muscle." I tell Elemental. We all stay queit for a few minutes,

"Once we get the end crystal out of him he will wake up." We all turned heads to Illusion.

"What?!" Alex said a bit angrily.

"About a week ago I found out that the End Crystal's energy is inside of Sabre. It's energy resignation in his eyes around his blindfold. His Blindfold apparently blocks out energy from the one who wears it..."

"And you didn't tell us this because?!"

"I didn't want to make you more upset and I wanted to make sure it was the reason why he isn't waking up... it is..."

"Is there anything else you want to say?" Alex says her eyes are glowing green. She's pissed. I took a step back away from her.

"Yes, but once the Guardian gets back. It will be better if I explain more once everyone is here." Illusion says. I sighed and Alex thankfully relaxes.

"Fine, but how are we supposed to help Sabre if we all don't know what's going on." Alex reminds Illusion. He nods.

"For now we can't really do much rather than hope Sabre will wake up sooner than later." I told Elemental and Time.

"Alright. I'll help too if I can." Time says. Elemental nods with agreement. I collapsed with exhaustion.

"Galaxy?!" Alex said in a bit of a panic.

"I'm fine... just... need to...." I passed out before I could finish. I'm glad that I have all of my three sons here now. It makes everything feel a little better.
(Words 1117)

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