Healing (Old)

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Alex's point of view

Me and Galaxy Steve caught a few fish. It just has some time to relax and have fun. I think we both needed it and I have never seen someone as excited to get a pufferfish. Even though he has a strange taste for fish he is good at fishing and taught me a lot of things about it that I didn't have a clue about. It was late so we started walking back.

"Thanks for dragging me over Alex." He said and I looked at him and smiled. He smiled back.

"No problem. We should fish more often."

"We should! You're a great fishing partner." I laughed a little.

"That's because you're a great teacher." While walking back it got a lot darker and Galaxy Steve fell over. I help him up but saw a small cut on his face.

"Are you okay?"

"Yup! Just tripped over a rock." He said smiling. I put a hand over his cut and felt a small bit of energy leave me and suddenly his cut was gone. I looked down at my hands in shock. How much power do I have?!



"What's wrong?"

"You has a cut on your face and I healed it."

"You did?!"


"That means you might be able to heal Sabre!"
He started dragging me back to the town. We passed by the Guardian and what looked like someone else, but I didn't get a good look at them. We went upstairs and back to Sabre who hasn't moved for a changed position.

"Come on Alex!"

"What is going on?" I heard Guardian say as he came up with Hypno Steve?!

"How are you here?!"

"I felt the energy of this tree and came over."

"You did not tell me that," Guardian said back.
"It doesn't matter. Alex might be able to heal Sabre!" They looked at me and I felt scared. What if I can't do this?! Galaxy hugged me tightly and I sighed with relief.

"We'll see." I went up to Sabre and started to try and heal his arm. I felt my energy leave me, but slowly his arm was fully healed and no longer he was broke.

"His arm is fixed!" I felt a little dizzy from healing, but I went to his side wound and it healed it soon after. I felt a way of dizziness. Galaxy Steve seems to notice and helped me sit down.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just dizzy."

"It must be from healing." Hypno Steve said.

"You did great though!" Galaxy Steve said happily.

"How did you get here Hypno Steve?" Everyone sat down.

"Something let me out of the machine and I couldn't find you guys so I looked for you. Eventually, I felt this tree's energy and came here to see what was going on, but I found Guardian before that."

"Does that mean another Steves is coming here?"

"I don't think there is anyone else, but us... seven."

"I know..."

"So Guardian was asked to fix the Spirit world right? What did he want to do or you?"

"He wanted me to find a cure for the sickness."

"I understand... What about you Galaxy Steve?"

"I wasn't there."

"Sorry to hear that... so I guess you're going to try and do those things at the same time?"

"We are."

"I'll help you the best as I can."

"Thanks, Hypno Steve."

"I also want to go back to the spirit world as well."

"I guess I should get going then."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure." There was a lot of Lighting and the Guardian was gone.

"I guess we should start working on the sickness then?"

"I guess we should, but you should rest firs-"

"Get out of here!" I hear Emerald Steve scream. I got up but almost fell over.

"You stay here Alex okay?"

"Alright." Galaxy Steve then went fine with Hypno.

Galaxy Steve's point of view

I went down to see what Emerald Steve was talking about. I saw three figures near the gate, but it was too dark to tell what they looked like. There was a glow coming off of one of them though.

"Who are you?!" I said and got a sword out.

"Galaxy Steve? Is that you?" I recognized that voice and dropped my sword. I walked up to them.

"Time Steve?"
(Words 732)

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