Setting up

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"What's a coma?" Alex asked confused and concerned.

"You can deal with that Galaxy. Bye." Illusion picks up Sabre and goes to Emerald steve who just came back with the water he asked for. I sighed in frustration. Alex was even more concerned now.

"When someone gets seriously injured like Sabre is they can go into a coma. THat when the body mostly shuts down just to focus on healing and staying alive." I tried to explain to her. She tilts her head to the side.

"It's like when a Steve goes to sleep for a few generations to get stronger, but for Sabre it's to not die." Alex understood that, but was now a lot more concerned.

"He isn't going to wake up for generations?!" Alex yelled at me. I pushed her a little behind the rainbow tree.

"No it's not that long. Players can't even live for that long. He might be in a coma for a few days or a few weeks." Alex seemed to relax a little. "But there are some really severe cases that can last a few years..."

"A few!-..." She goes quiet as if she knew there was something else about coma's that I haven't told her yet. Saldy there is...

"Depending on how badly injured someone is they might die while in a coma... and by how Sabre is looking... it's a high chance that-"

"He will live?" I couldn't get myself to tell her no. So I just shake my head. Alex looked back over to where Illusion, Emerald, the Guardian, and Sabre would be at. Alex looks at me after looking back and hugs me tightly. I hug back tightly. Sabre can't die... He just can't..

"Hey maybe we can help him okay? Let's build the house and then see what else we can do." Alex said, trying to stay calm, but I can see anger in her eyes. She wants to fight something to help Sabre. Destroy what hurt him, but that thing is already gone.

"Okay... I'll try using my powers for this." Alex nods and backs up. I focus on my abilities, feeling the energy warm up in my hands as I focus on a house for all of us to live in.  Small to fit in this area and big enough to fit all of us here.

Once I felt my energy peak I let it escape from my fingertips. I can trust my energy to do what I need even if I don't fully know what to build.

Once the energy escaped fully from my hands I opened my eyes to see a large cottage with an upstairs and a downstairs by the looks of it. So far it looked perfect.

"That's amazing!" Alex says amazed. I smiled a little. She hasn't really seen me use my powers before. Only Sabre really has seen me use them. When I had to make the Galaxy tower to protect ourselves from Memory Steve.

"I heard lighting is everything okay?" The Guardian asked as he came over. He sees the house and looks in amazement.

"Yeah everything is alright." I said smilingly. I couldn't help but feel proud of myself for doing this.

"Alright. I will tell Illusion to come over with Sabre." He says about to walk over to him.

"Wait how is Sabre doing!" Alex asked quickly.

"He is doing better than he should be. That is what illusion is saying."

"Better then what?" I ask nervously. The Guardian looks down.

"In this condition he should be dead...."
I shouldn't be surprised, but I am. He's alive and yet he should be dead. Not even a Steve could survive this. Alex died when she did something similar to this so Sabre should be dead. So why am I surprised he should be dead... maybe it's because he still is.

We all stayed quiet. It took a few seconds for Guardian to walk about to Illusion. I walked inside to the house to see how it looked inside, Alex followed me in.

The first floor had a small kitchen and a large living room. It was spacious and nothing was too overstuffed with objects or supplies. It didn't look like their was a basement. The windows were clean and had white curtains. In fact the color scheme of the cottage was mostly brown and white.

"This looks really nice, Galaxy. You imagined all of this?" She asked as she sat on one of the three couches in the living room.

"No I just trusted my magic. Thinking about what I needed and let it do the rest." I explained to her once I sat down next to her.

Alex sighed and leaned on me. She is probably tired from everything that has happened today. I was too probably from using my abilities though.

Illusion came inside with Sabre who looked a little better. He has some bandages around most of his wounds, some of the bandages were red with his blood.

"Better than a dirt house." Illusion said as he made his way upstairs. That's probably where the bedrooms are.

Guardian sits on the couch next to us. He shifted his wings on his back, his wings were large and a pure white. He's the only person in this world I've seen with wings.

"What do we do now?" The Guardian asked me.

"Wait. Wait and see if Sabre wakes up."

Illusion's point of view
I looked around upstairs to see it was all one room. A bed for everyone. Me, Emerald, Guardian, Green, Alex, Galaxy, and Sabre. Alex's bed was orange, guardian's bed was black, Galaxy's bed was purple. Emerald's bed was a dark green while Green Steve's bed was just green. I had a grey bed while the only bed that was white was for Sabre.

I put Sabre on the white bed which was the closest to the farthest window from the stairs. I put a blanket over him and put a hand on his shoulder.

I'm the most surprised that he survived. I know what he is. I know how weak he is, but yet here he is. Alive. Barely, but alive. It makes me wonder what could possibly be in him that made him live.

I sigh and look at his blindfold that was still intact from the explosion. It's not even burned or torn. I take it off from his eyes to fully see his face.

His face was perfectly normal rather than the dark bags under his eyes. His blindfold was covered in blood so I'll have to clean it up later.

I started to walk away and felt a strange energy. I look around and can feel the energy was coming from Sabre? I go back over and felt the energy get stronger. Specifically around his eyes.

Is that the end Crystal?
(Words 1145)

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