Grumpy Beginnings

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In the midst of hundreds and thousands of stars and planets, that hold hundreds and thousands of people, it's a wonder that anyone meets anyone of importance. It's a wonder that in all the space, no pun intended, that one can meet the one person that they were intended to fine. Call it fate. Call it destiny. Call it the force, if you still believe in the old ways. Faye called it a bunch of BS. We make our own way in this universe, higher designs aside. That is where our story starts. With Faye making her own way in the universe. Sort of...


The Mandalorian eyed the client from across the table. The client was sporting a slight grin knowing that he had the hunter enticed with the promise of Beskar.

"I have a camtono of Beskar waiting for you upon delivery of the assets." The client said, only to be interrupted by the squirmy doctor behind him.


"Yes. Alive. Although, I acknowledge that bounty hunting is a complicated profession. This being the case, proof of termination is also acceptable for a lower fee." This statement made the once bouncy doctor stand rigid and still.

"That is not what we agreed upon."

"I am simply being pragmatic." The client rolled his eyes.

"Let's see the puck." The Mandalorian asked stoically.

"I'm afraid that our discretion means we can only offer  tracking fobs." The client spread his hands apologetically while the doctor hands that bounty hunter the fob.

"What's the chain code?"

"We can only provide the last four digits." The client said, not sounding near as sorry as he should. The hunter rolled his eyes under his helmet. Who did these people think they were?

"Their age? That's all you can give me?"

"Yes. One is 50 years old. The other, late twenties. We can also give you last reported positional data. Between that and the fobs, a man of your skill should make short work of this."


Mando surveyed the encampment on Arvala-7 where the targets were supposedly being held. He had the feeling that he was not alone, even though he could not see another being. Other than the droid that was making its way directly towards the front door.

"Bounty droid." Mando cursed under his breath. He made to move but before he got any closer to the door the droid started to fire upon the figures that had run out to meet it. The droid quickly made work of shooting all figures in sight while the rest ran for cover.

"Subparagraph 16 of the Bondsman Guild protocol waiver compels you to immediately produce said asset." The droid's electronic voice was emotionless.

"Droids," The hunter scoffed. The Mandalorian moved from behind the pillar he was hidden behind. "IG Unit! Stand down. I'm with the Guild!" The droid lowered the blaster it had raised to point at Mando.

"You are a Guild member? I thought I was the only one on assignment." If droids could sound surprised, this one did.

"That makes two of us. So much for the element of surprise." Mando moved back behind the pillar as shots began to ran down on them.  "Draw their fire, I'll take them out." The IG Unit walked into the center of the courtyard, all of the shots now focused on taking it down. It did't take long before the rest of the enemies were shot down, leaving the air hazy with blaster smoke.

"You know, you're not so bad. For a droid."


The pair moved to the inside of the compound, looking for the assets.

"You see anything?" Mando didn't see anything resembling a life form among the boxes and crates that filled the room.

"The tracking fobs are still active. My sensors indicate that there are two life forms present." The Mandalorian swept his hand that held one of the fobs to scan the room. The fob lead him to an egg shaped container. He slowly opened it to reveal a small green creature with large eyes and ears peering up at him. Mando went rigid.

"Wait. They said 50 years old." This was nothing more than a child. Something about this didn't sit right with the hunter.

"Species age differently. Perhaps it could live many centuries." The green child cocked its head as if listening to the droid. "Sadly, we'll never know." The IG Unit started to raise its gun but the Mandalorian quickly stopped him.

"No. We bring it in alive."

"The commission was quite specific. The assets were to be terminated." One shot was fired. The IG Unit dropped to the ground beside the Mandalorian who had yet to take his eyes off the child. A soft banging caught his attention. He moved towards the back of the room where a single door was outlined in the wall. Mando noticed that the second tracking fob was steadily beeping louder the closer he got. He pulled his blaster as he slowly opened the door. All he saw was a flash of red before the figure fell at his feet. They caught themselves with their hands and gasped quietly in shock. A head covered in red hair yanked up quickly to stare into the helmet of the Mandalorian. The hunter was taken aback by the bright green eyes that met his, at first not because of their color but because of the anger they held. The young girl quickly stood to her feet and shoved him once.

"Do you know how long I've been in that room?! I haven't eaten in THREE days! I don't know who you think you are keeping me like this, but let me tell you something you mother-" The girl fell limply into his arms as the Mandalorian stunned her with his blaster. Her, he would have no trouble turning in.

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