Goodbyes and a Beginning

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The next several weeks went by quickly for everyone except for Faye. Mando had insisted that she stay in bed for the first few days after she woke and she had been bored out of her mind. She had tried to sneak out once but had been all but carried back inside by the bounty hunter and then received a lecture on the danger of pulling out stitches. Even though Mando had used the last of their bacta spray on her wound and it had been mostly healed by the third day of bed rest, he was hovering like a mother hen. She hadn't completely healed from her wounds from the Imperial base when they landed and now she had gotten herself injured again, so she knew why Mando was worried. Honestly, Faye enjoyed his concern at first but now she felt like she was being smothered. Now, weeks later, this led to her making him back off and let her play soccer with the village kids.

"Goal!" Faye yelled loudly as one of her tiny teammates made the winning shot for their team. Faye brushed a hand across her forehead to brush away the beads of sweat that had collected. The children on her team yelled loudly and ran towards Faye. The swell of children knocked her off her feet and they fell in a tangle. Faye laughed and propped herself up on her elbows as the children hugged her tightly.

Meanwhile, Mando and Cara were sitting on the porch of the barn watching the kids and Faye play soccer.

"So, what happens if you take that thing off? They come after and kill you?" Cara asked the silent Mandalorian.

'No. You just can't put it back on again."

"That's it?" Cara scoffed, "So you can slip off the helmet, settle down with that beautiful farmer or even Faye and raise your kids sitting here sipping spotchka?" Mando didn't respond. He watched as the children tackled Faye, raising his concern again over her health. He didn't want her to further injure herself but he also knew she had gotten tired of not getting to do anything. And frankly, he knew that she had gotten tired of him. He couldn't blame her, he had gotten a little overbearing. Faye sat up on the ground laughing and turned towards Mando. Their gazes locked, unbeknownst to Faye, and she smiled gently at him, her green eyes sparkling in the light. Mando sighed. What Cara had suggested sounded nice. Really nice. But Mando knew that their situation with the kid and Faye's bounty, that settling down just wasn't possible.

Faye watched as Mando left the porch and moved towards the woods. He was quickly intercepted by Omera and Faye bit back a grimace. She watched as they conversed and her heart stopped as Omera lifted her hands to rest on Mando's helmet and Faye wondered if he would allow her to take it off. But his hands slowly reached up and stopped Omera gently. Faye had told herself that she wouldn't let herself be upset. If Mando was happy, then she would be happy for him. But her body betrayed her as tears rose to her eyes at the sight of them close together, his hands still wrapped around Omera's wrists.  Faye's thoughts were scattered by a loud shot echoing through the field. Faye immediately  sought out the child where she knew him to be playing with Winta. She rushed over and scooped him off the ground. She turned to see Mando and Cara coming from the treeline, both seeming tense. Mando rushed to her side and checked her and the child over.

"What happened?" Faye asked.

"Bounty hunter. He had a fob." Faye's face paled at Mando's words. She had hoped they'd be safe here, if only for a little while longer.

"Was it for the kid or for me?"

"We don't know." Cara spoke up. "But they know both of you are here now."

"Then they'll keep coming." Faye sighed.

The goodbyes were difficult for Faye. She hadn't talked much with the other adults but she had played many soccer games with the children and would miss their little faces. The children gathered around to say goodbye to Faye and the little green child. Faye kneeled to their level.

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