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Before they made their way to Nevarro, the Crest made a quick pit stop on a familiar planet. Din and Faye had decided that they needed an extra set of hands just in case this mission went badly. They found Cara fighting in a ring with a large creature, and she was definitely winning. She beat the man quickly and collected her won money, coming over to them when she was finished.

"Looking for some work?" Cara grinned and Faye knew she was in. They explained the plan quickly to her on the way back to the ship. Faye was glad to see the other woman again and the pair quickly started up a conversation to catch up on the events since they had seen each other.

Faye and Din had also discussed whether to ask Kuill to join them as well but they decided that they didn't want to put more people in danger than was necessary. They hoped between the two of them, plus the now added Cara, they could handle the Imps.

Din had placed the ship on autopilot for the journey towards Nevarro and now the trio were in the bottom of the ship arm wrestling. Faye had lost to Din and now he and Cara were competing, and it seemed to be evenly matched.

"I got you, Mando." Cara teased.

"Care to double the bet?" Faye was too caught up in their match, to notice the child in her lap raise his arm and stretch it towards Cara. The woman started coughing and grabbed her throat. Din noticed the child before Faye did.

'No! Stop!" He rushed over to the child. "We're friends, Cara is my friend!" The child dropped his arm and Cara sucked in a deep breath.

"That is not okay!" She exclaimed. The child's ears drooped, realizing he had done something wrong.

"He's a baby, Cara. He has to learn to master his abilities." Faye tried explaining. 

"He almost killed me!"

"It won't happen again." Faye turned to the child, "Will it?" The child ducked his head. Cara nodded and changed the topic.

"So we're going to Nevarro?"

"Have you ever been?" Faye questioned.

"No. We lost a lot of our forces there." Cara's face grew sad at the memory of fallen comrades that had also served in the rebellion.

"Hopefully it won't be a long job. We take out the head Imp, and the rest will run like rats." Din stated. Faye only hoped he was right.


Din landed the crest in the area detailed by Karga and they saw him with a small group of Guild members waiting.

"Sorry for the remote rendezvous, Mando, but things have gotten complicated since you were last here. It seems we've both provided a security detail." Karga took in Cara. "I recommend the shock trooper guards the ship." 

"She's coming with us." Faye spoke up. Karga's grin turned towards her.

"Glad to see you have recovered fully since last we crossed each other." Faye just stared at him. His smile faltered and he cleared his throat.

"Now, where is the little one?" Din brought the floating pram holding the child forward and Karga bent over to look.

"So this little guy is what all the fuss was about. I can see why you didn't want to harm a hair on its wrinkled little head." He turned back to the group. "We can walk for a spell, camp out at the riverbank, and then make our way into town at first light."

They moved quickly and found the riverbank as Karga discussed and set up camp. The Guild members built several fires while Din, Faye, and Cara were on high alert. They didn't trust the others to not kill them and take that child or Faye.

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