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The tunnels deep under the ground were dark and damp, but Din hardly registered each step he took further into the shadows. He could hear the others as he slowly caught up with them. They turned towards him as they heard his steps, both Cara and Karga drawing their blasters expecting to see troopers. Cara's face fell at the sight of Din alone, even thought they both knew Faye's wounds had been fatal. They watched the bounty hunter gently take the child from Cara and hold him close to his beskar coated chest. The small child looked over Din's shoulder and cooed.

"She's not coming." Din quietly told the child, pain lacing his voice. The small group traveled quickly through the tunnels knowing that Moff Gideon would be sending his troopers after them. Din led them in the way he remembered the covert to be. The tunnels opened to a large room with a burning forge at its center. Din's heart stopped at the pile of Mandalorian helmets and scraps of armor. The casualties of the Mandalorians who had aided his original escape from the planet with Faye and the child. The Mandalorian armorer approached the group and Din dipped his head in respect.

"So this is what caused so much trouble. Where is the other that you have been hiding, Din Djarin?"

"She...didn't make it." The armorer hummed lightly. She turned back to the forge.

"How many are left?" Din questioned, fearing the cost that his actions had wrought. 

"There are few who remain." Din sighed, saddened by the news but knowing he wouldn't change his decisions on that day for anything.

"I will stay and help rebuild." Karga seemed as if he would protest but Cara held him back. 

"No, Din Djarin. Your fate lies along a different path. The young one is a foundling in your care. It is your responsibility to return him to his kind."

"His kind?"

"The Jedi. You have heard of their stories."

"How will I find a Jedi?"

"This path is up to you. This is the way."

"This is the way." Din started to ask one of the many questions plaguing his mind, when the thundering of feet was heard from deep within the tunnels.

"Go now. I will hold them off."

Din nodded and the group raced ahead through the winding tunnels. They came to a small ferry boat along a river of lava. The boat was bound to the side of the wall and neither Karga nor Din could shove it loose.

"Step back, boys." Cara lifted her large blaster and shot the connection between the boat and the wall until the boat swayed freely in the lava. The trio bordered and quickly moved downstream.

"They'll be waiting for us. We'll have to be ready." Karga noted. The bounty hunters and ex-solider readied their blasters as they neared the tunnels end, knowing they would be greatly outnumbered. As they neared the entrance, the trio saw a score of troopers awaiting them. Before anyone had a chance to fire a single shot, a bight light filled the tunnel behind the boat. The troopers outside were blinded by the steadily growing light. Using the brief moment of distraction, the group opened fire on the troopers. Din jumped off the boat and made his way forward, blasting fire left and right. Cara and Greef followed his lead, and soon enough they had killed the remaining troopers. Din breathed heavily and the child in the pouch on his hip cooed while extending his hands toward the mouth of the tunnel. The light was steadily growing brighter until the source shot into the sky.

The light took form into a large red bird, with feathers that seemed to be encased in flame. Din had never seen anything like it before, but it was utterly beautiful in its ethereal light.

"A Phoenix." Karga breathed in wonder. Cara's face shown with the same fascination as they watched the flaming bird circle above their heads.

A loud whir echoed through the sky, and Din jerked around to see a small fighter ship flown by Gideon headed their way.

"Watch out!" Din yelled, as they raced to take cover. Din flashed back to a brief moment before they left the covert. The armorer had approached him with a jetpack, which she offered to him.

"Practice with it. Learn each other."

No better time to practice then now, Din decided. He handed the child in his pouch to Cara and then shakily rose into the air to meet Gideon head on. He dodged left as Gideon tried to shoot him out of the sky and he noticed the Phoenix floating in the air besides him. It seemed to nod towards his belt, and Din remembered that he had a charge left. He grabbed it and pulled the pin before throwing it towards the engine of the ship. Din dropped towards the ground as the charge blew a hole in the ship and sent Gideon crashing to the ground. Smoke rose from the wrecking and Din knew that was the end of the terror of Moff Gideon. He stumbled upon landing and found himself smiling slightly as Cara and Karga cheered. His attention turned to the patch of light that was still circling their group. The bird slowly drifted to the ground, where it was consumed by an even brighter light.

When the light slowly dissipated, a small figure in a flowing dress remained standing, slightly hunched. Cara gasped sharply. Din blinked, and then blinked again.

"Maker, "dying is easy" was the biggest lie ever. I'm exhausted." The figure with bright red hair and green eyes remarked breathlessly. Faye. Din took a step towards her, not believing his eyes. She was dead. He had left her body in a burning building. She had been dead. 

"Also, someone may want to catch me. I'm pretty sure I'm about to pass out." Din moved quickly as her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she collapsed. He gently held her in his arms as he turned back to face the others. He was met with twin expression on the faces of Cara and Greef. Eyes wide and mouths dropped open. The child was giggling and reaching out to Faye.

Cara started sputtering, "I-wha-how-"

Karga found his words quickly, "What the he-" 


A/N: Hello all! Sorry for the long wait on this chapter, college is difficult. I know the story is now listed as complete but never fear, there will be one more chapter and an epilogue for this story! It will be posted as soon as I have time to write more. Until then, thank you for following me on this journey and may the force be with you! 

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