Disappointment Thy Name is Toro

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"Maker! Could you have turned any sharper?" Faye gripped the seat with one hand while the other was fastened snuggly around the child.

"Would you like for us to be shot out of the sky?!" Mand- Din argued, yanking the Crest to the side again. Faye's retort was interrupted by a voice on the com. 

"Hand over the child and the girl, Mando." Faye's knuckles were white as they felt one of the engines get hit. "I might let you live."

The Crest jerked as one of the engines burst into flames and goes out.

"Hold on." Din warned before rolling the ship.

"I can bring you in warm...or I can bring you in cold." Faye scoffed. What kind of line was that? Faye's head jerked forward as Din hit the brakes. The fighter shot over them and ended up right into Din's crosshairs.

"That's my line." His modulated voice says as he blasts the other ship out of the sky.

Faye rolled her eyes. "And you say I'm the cheesy one." When he didn't fire with a comeback, she knew something was wrong.

"We're losing fuel." It was as if speaking it brought the full consequences of what he had said. The ship lost all power, causing everything to go dark. The child in Faye's arms squealed happily. Din tried several switches, but ultimately got up to turn on the emergency power. As the ship powered back up, a voice came over the com.

"This is Mos Eisley Tower. We are tracking you. Head for bay three-five. Over."

"Copy that." Din replied, "Locked in for three-five." As they landed, Faye took in the sight of the small village on Tatooine.

"I've never been to Tatooine before."

"You haven't missed much. Stay close." They put the child in a small, safe room and left the ship. Faye spots several DUM-series droids make a rush towards the ship, but Din quickly fires his blaster towards them.

"Hey! Hey!!!" A voice cried in outrage. " You damage one of my droids, you pay for it." The voice belonged a small, older woman who was angrily walking towards the pair. Dirt and grease streaked the woman's face, and Faye made the assumption that this was her maintenance shop.

"Just keep them away from my ship."

"What he means to say is, we're sorry if we startled you and we will not destroy your droids." Din huffed beside her.

The woman just hummed and moved to look at the ship. "Look at that. Oh, you got a lot of carbon scoring building up top. Ya... if I didn't know better, I'd think you were in a shootout. Special tool for that too. I'm gonna have to rotate that... You got a fuel leak? Look at that, this is a mess. How'd you even land? That's gonna set you back."

"I've got 500 Imperial Credits."

"That's all you got?" If she wanted more, they were going to be in trouble.

"I'll get your money." Faye turned to Din with her eyebrows raised. Did that mean he planned on taking a job while they were here? A slight nod from him confirmed her thoughts.

The pair headed through the sandy streets until they reached the cantina. Faye took a seat at the bar while Din questioned the bartender.

"Hey, droid. I'm a hunter. I'm looking for some work."

"Unfortunately, the Bounty Guild no longer operates from Tatooine."

"I'm not looking for Guild work."

"I am afraid that does not improve your situation. At least by my calculation." Faye would never cease to be amazed by droids and their ability of sarcasm. Faye felt someone step up close behind her and she heard a voice beside her head.

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