Sneak Attacks and Monster Machines

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Bright rays of sunlight slipped under Faye's closed eyelids, waking her from a very peaceful sleep. Groaning softly she tried to burrow closer to wherever the warmth beside her came from. A huff of breath meet her ears and proceeded to drive the rest of her sleepiness away. Faye jerked to a seated position realizing that she was snuggling into the side of a Mandalorian. A Mandalorian who was apparently laughing at her embarrassment. Faye huffed and shoved his shoulder, hurting her hand more than she did his shoulder. The cart had come to a stop and Faye was met with the sight of a small village paired with small children running to greet them.

"Looks like they are happy to see us." Mando said as he jumped down from the sled.

"Looks like." Cara also jumped out behind him.

"Happy to see us for sure. But you Mando... you may scare the children." Faye sat on the back of the cart swinging her legs. Mando turned his head sharply and yanked her off the cart. Faye stubbled trying to find her footing and almost missed the steadying hand of the bounty hunter before it was gone. A few of the farmers came to guide the trio of humans and the green child to the huts they had prepared for them. When one farmer made the suggestion that Faye stay with Cara, Mando quickly interjected and made it very clear that both Faye and the child were staying with him. The farmer nodded quickly and scurried off to locate another bed palate for the small hut. Cara turned and headed towards her hut with a small grin at the bounty hunter's behavior. Faye missed the grin but the Mandalorian did not.

Mando opened the door to the hut to reveal a woman messing with the blinds. She glanced over the two foreigners with a mixture of hesitation and apprehension.

"Please come in." The woman finally said, and Mando and Faye obeyed, carrying in some of their cargo.

"I hope this is comfortable for you. Sorry that all we have is the barn." Faye noticed how the statement was targeted towards Mando, and the woman refused to look at Faye.

"This will do fine." Faye's tone had more bite than she meant for it to, but she didn't like the way the woman was looking at her Mandalorian.

"I stacked some blankets over here." Faye's comment was ignored. She was surprised smoke wasn't drifting out of her ears. A gloved hand was placed lightly on her arm to hold her back.

"Thank you. That's very kind." Mando the diplomat. A flash caught their attention at the doorway and Mando rounded while pulling out his blaster. A small girl ducked behind the doorframe. Faye placed her hand on his arm and made him lower the gun. The woman pulled the girl to her side.

"This is my daughter Winta. We don't get a lot of visitors here. She's not used to strangers." She turns toward Winta, "This nice man is going to help protect us from the bad ones."

"Oh, and I guess I'm just here as a good luck charm?" Faye rolled her eyes and moved towards the back to start unloading their stuff.

"Come on, Winta. Let's give them some room." They left the hut quietly. Mando turned around to see Faye slamming things around while unpacking. She was also muttering under her breath.

"What's wrong?" 

"Nothing." Slam. Mando sighed.

"Faye." That made her pause. She squared her shoulders and turned to him.

"I just don't like people pretending like I'm not even here, okay. You don't have to worry about that though, she had her eyes all over you."

"Oh really. I didn't even notice."

"Cut the crap, Mando. She's pretty, she's nice. Who wouldn't want her eyes all over them." Faye turned back towards her makeshift palate on the floor and Mando took a seat at his. They passed the time in silence. While Mando focused on cleaning his blaster, Faye's thoughts wandered, as they often do, and she realized that she was obviously jealous of the woman who had set her sights on the Mandalorian. If she was jealous then it meant that she had a crush on him. She knew that she liked the hunter, liked when they were close, but did she want more? Yes. Faye knew she wanted more, but she doubted the hunter would ever look her way. He had other things to worry about then caring for, or loving her. Besides, he had this other woman all over him now. He didn't need her.

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