A Lineage Found

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Din refused to tell her where they were going, and needless to say Faye was overwhelmed with curiosity. She had questioned Din repeatedly but he had mastered the art of staying silent. They didn't travel as long as she expected they would before a planet appeared before them. It was a bright planet covered in blues and greens. Faye assumed that the coloring meant that it was a water based planet but as they drew closer, she noticed wide expanse of forests and flowers. Miles and miles of blue flowers. On the horizon a large city could be seen, glimmering in the sun.

"Where are we?" Faye asked breathlessly, marveling at the beauty before her.

"Admetus. It's a small planet, but it houses something that I think will help us." Faye raised an eyebrow at him, waiting for him to continue.

"It holds one of the biggest libraries in the galaxy. If there is any surviving information about your people, and maybe why the Empire has changed its mind about you, it may be here."

"How is this still here? I would have thought the Empire would have seized the information."

"From what you've told me, it sounds like the information your people kept could have been dangerous to the Empire. War plans, old languages, the secret knowledge of most cultures. The knowledge here isn't dangerous. Its basic information about most cultures just compiled in one place. It's not much, but it's a good place to start."

"It's perfect. Thank you, Din." Faye grinned at him and she knew he was smiling back.


They traveled quickly on foot, Din wanting to leave the ship hidden among the trees. The child was squealing in laughter from his spot in a cloth bag that was across Din's shoulders. They found the town bustling with people. Vendors were set up in the streets calling to people passing by to sell their trinkets. It was loud and crowded, but Faye loved it. She observed many booths full of jewelry and exotic foods and clothes. But the main thing that caught her eye was the large, ornate building at the end of the rows of vendors. It stretched high into the sky and reminded Faye of the old religious buildings that she had seen holos of. The building was covered in arches, windows, and stone figures perching on trellises. Her heart skipped several beats and she knew this must be the library. Din watched Faye's eyes light up and he knew that even if they didn't find what they were looking for, this had been a good idea. He wished she would have that look in her eyes all the time. As soon as they dealt with the bounty issue, he swore he would do whatever it took to keep that look in her eyes.

They entered the library and Faye was overwhelmed. There were rows upon rows of books on multiple levels of the library. Faye could barely see the top level. 

"Where do we even start?" Faye asked. Din looked around and noticed a droid behind a desk. He sighed.

"Droid. We're looking for information on the Keepers."

"Information about the Keepers, planet Casteril can be found on level four, shelf 150." The droid beeped at them.

"Thank you."Faye told the droid, knowing Din wouldn't say more than he had too for a droid. 

"Do not hope for much information. Most of the information about that culture was held on planet and was destroyed with it." Faye's heart sank. Of course her people wouldn't trust anyone but themselves with their knowledge of their culture. She and Din made their way up to the fourth level and searched through the shelves until they found 150. The droid was right.

"Two books. That's all that's left of my people." Faye pulled the off the shelf and handed one to Din. She flipped through the pages and found the book to be basic knowledge on her culture. Major cities, the ruling class, the language and dress. There was one section on her family: the Keepers.

The Keepers are a family chosen to keep all knowledge of the people of Casteril and knowledge of the galaxy. Members of this family are blessed with perfect memory and the ability to learn from a young age. The Keepers can be identified by their green eyes and ability to channel the magic of the air. The family sigil is a phoenix. It is rumored the family line are descendants of the ancient rulers of the planet who had the blood of the phoenix in their veins.

The small section was all that was available on her family. She had heard the rumor of her ancestors but the 'magic of the air' was new. She had never heard of her family having magic. She didn't think that magic existed. Perhaps whoever had written this copy believed in old myths as truth.

Din was flipping through his book as well and from the glimpse that Faye got it looked like a lineage chart. She could see the branches of family trees.

"Find anything?" Din asked.

"Not anything I didn't already know. It just mentions our memory, and possible dependance from phoenix blood." She didn't mention the air magic. She couldn't worry him anymore than he already was with myths or fantasies. "You?"

"It's just a book of family trees." He flipped to a new chapter. "Here we go. The Keepers." Faye leaned over and read along with him. She noticed her grandparents' names toward the end of the chart, and her parents' names under them.

"Someone must have been keeping the records fresh. I wonder if someone from my planet traveled here to update the book." She noticed her name and quickly tired to shut the book before Din could see. He was too quick for her and moved back before she could.

"Fayewyn Oberon Dunne Chaumont." Din read out of the book, amusement coloring his tone. Faye buried her face behind her hair.

"It was a family name." Din laughed quietly. He reached out and moved her hair aside.

"I like it. It's just not what I expected." Her face turned as red as her hair.

After deciding that the library, though amazing, was a dead end, the trio made their way back to their ship. As they climbed back into the cockpit, Faye heard the holopad beeping with an incoming message. Din clicked a few buttons and a small blue figure of someone they thought was dead appeared.

"My friend, if you are receiving this transmission, that means you're alive. You might be surprised to hear this, but I am alive too. I guess we can call it even." Faye huffed. Karga had tried to kill them after Din and broken her and the child out.

"A lot has happened since we last saw each other. The man who hired you is still here, and his ranks of ex-Imperial guards have grown. They have imposed despotic rule over my city, which has impeded the life of the Guild. We consider him an enemy, but we cannot get close enough to take him out. If you would consider one last commission, I will very much make it worth your while. You have been successful so far in staving off their hunters, but they will not stop until they have their prizes. So here is my proposition. Return to Nevarro. Bring the girl and child as bait. I will arrange an exchange and provide loyal Guild members as protection. Once we get near the client, you kill him, and we both get what we want. If you succeed, you keep the girl and child and I will have your name cleared with the Guild. I await your arrival with optimism." The transmission ended.

The pair sat in contemplative silence.

"It's most likely a trap." Faye said.


"It would be dangerous."


"If we got rid of the client, it would solve our problem."

"Yep." Faye and turned to grin at Din.

"What are we waiting for then?" 

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