The Surface

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~*The Surface*~



Noah P.O.V

It's been a few years since mom died. When mom died, I was 5 at the time and right now I'm 7. I'll be turning 8 soon in a few months. Dad and I aren't doing well after mom's death. Especially dad.

Dad wasn't doing well but he kept himself posture for me because I was the only one he had left. He said that he wants to work on getting enough money to leave the underground. So at times he wasn't home often and I had nothing to do so I would clean the house.

I don't go outside much and it helped me improve my skills around the house. I learned how to fight thanks to dad teaching me every time he comes home. Even if I told him he doesn't have to, he insists for my benefit.

It went like this until my dad came home on my birthday with big news.













Noah: we can live... on the surface!?

Dad: y-yes, we can go! I wanted to surprise you with this. Aren't you happy?

Noah: y-yeah....

Dad: (confused) what's wrong?

Noah: I just wish mom could see this

Dad: my dear son, your mom would be so proud of us

Noah: proud?

Dad: look, you became just like your mother. You help around the house and cook meals for me so I can work hard. Both of us help each other for the sake of your mother. my wife so she can see us on the surface

Noah: (happy) y-yeah! thanks dad

Dad: no problem son, now go get packing. The military will arrive soon to take us up there, we'll also get to our new apart

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