The Fall of Shiganshina

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~*The Fall of Shiganshina*~



Noah P.O.V

Noah: (gasps) (breaths heavily) j-just what was.... mmm

Dad: Noah, are you alright? (knocks) Noah?

Noah: D-Dad...

Dad heard my cries as he opened my door to see me in tears. He frantically ran over to me and let me hug him. I rest my head over his shoulders as he rubs my back. It stayed like this for a while until he pulls out and ruffles my head.

Dad: Noah, what happened?

Noah: I h-had a nightm-mare 

Dad: oh son, don't cry. It was only a nightmare

Noah: b-but it felt so r-real

Dad: here, why don't you and I come down for breakfast

Noah: o-okay

Dad: here, take teddie with you

Dad hands me teddie as I held onto him tight. I follow dad who helps me change out of new clothes. They were similar to eren's clothes but with light colors. I followed dad downstairs with bowls of soup and a piece of bread at the side. 

I smiled as I head over to the plate of food

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I smiled as I head over to the plate of food. Dad follows along as we both ate our meals. When we finished our meals, dad offered to clean. When he dried up his hands, he pulled me over as we stared back at each other. 

Dad: Noah, I have to leave for my job again. I may not be back in a week or so

Noah: a week!? 

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