New Friends

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~*New Friends*~



Third P.O.V

Shadis: Cadet Stone

Noah: Yes sir!

Shadis: at ease, I want you to head over to the infirmary. Don't want another slack of meat to die on my hands

Noah: Yes sir! Um, where is it?

Shadis: Just walk down the cabinets and take a right

Noah: thank you

Noah waved off to his friends as he followed the directions of what shadis said. Going down the many cabinets until he stopped at the last and turned to the infirmary. He walked up the stairs and knocked on the door. Suddenly, he hears loud footsteps and out came a ponytailed girl with goggles on her face.

 Suddenly, he hears loud footsteps and out came a ponytailed girl with goggles on her face

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 "Heya kiddo! whatcha need-- oh my!! we have to patch you up. Come in, come in!"

Noah: O-Okay!

She led him inside as she placed him on the bed and went over to the medicine cabinet. Grabbing rubbing alcohol and bandages. She pulls up a chair and sits near Noah.

"Now lean down, this will hurt. Man who knew shadis can do this much to a kid. I'm surprised you took it so well! Tell me, how was it?"

Noah: it hurts a lot and um how do you know shadis?

"oh he used to be my old commander before he retired to become a cadet commander. Ironic isn't it"

Noah: yeah

"alright now a bandage on that wound and we're good to go!! haha, amazing you are just like my babies sawney and bean"

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