Nate is Worried

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~*Nate is Worried*~



Third P.O.V

A week had gone by and the refugees were all sent to cultivate land to secure food. But that couldn't prevent the food shortage that had to be given out to majority of the refugees. In the following year of 846, the central government launched a campaign to retake wall maria using the refugees

as Sacrifices

Armin: G-Grandpa, please stay with me!! I-I can't lose you too!!


Noah: P-Please s-stay with armin, h-he will miss you

"Kids, you know I have to go. I'm way too old and if I stay, I will only make you suffer. If I go, you will be able to eat"

Armin: B-But you'll die!!

"I know, it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make"

Armin's grandpa kneels down to Armin who has tear in his eyes. He wiped them as he hugged his grandchild.

"Armin, you have been a blessing that your parents had and I had a lot of fun reading with you and teaching you so many things. I want you to grow up with your friends, they will be your new family and you'll learn so much. I will watch you from above armin"

Armin's grandpa smiled as he looked over to me. 

"Noah, thank you for being apart of my grandchild's life. He never had friends before so when he came home telling me he made friends was the happiest moment of my life. You made so many memories with him and I want you to continue that with him. Please take care of him"

Noah: I-I (cries) o-okay

"I must go now, goodbye armin, noah"

Armin: b-b-bye grand-pa

Armin's grandpa gave the children one last smile as he placed his hat on armin's hand. Leaving off with the other refugees. The government had planned out that 250,000 refugees including some soldiers went out the walls to fight the titans.

However, only about a hundred survived. Not even Armin's grandpa made it which made armin even worst as Noah comforted him in those times. With their sacrifice, the food shortage has improved a little, for those who survived.

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