The Aftermath of The Fall

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~*The Aftermath of The Fall*~



Noah P.O.V

It had been the three days after the fall of shiganshina. Most of the refugees had woken up and got breakfast. Armin woke up after me as he patted my head. I hugged teddie closer as he told me, he would find his grandpa. 

For a little while, Mikasa woke up as she noticed my shaking. She scooted over to me and rubbed my back. I leaned into her as we waited for eren to get up. At this point, it felt like he was never going to get up. Suddenly, Eren was shaking just like me. Wanting to comfort him, I went over and rubbed his arm.

Suddenly, he gripped my hand and I felt pain from the intense pressure he put. Mikasa noticed and quickly shouted for eren to wake up. Immediately, he woke up covered in sweat. When he caught his breath, he noticed what he was holding and my winced face.

Letting go as he looked down feeling guility. 

Eren: S-Sorry, I hurt your hand

Noah: i-it's okay 

Mikasa: Eren, did you have a nightmare?

Eren: n-no but...I get the feeling....I saw dad

Mikasa: Impossible. It must've been a dream

Eren: you think?

Noah: l-lets go, they're giving us food

Eren: right

The three of us got up and left the shed where broad daylight was found. Clenching our eyes until we adjusted to the sunlight where many of the refugees who escaped with us stand in line. 

Mikasa: this place used to be the food reserves

Noah: O-Only those who c-came by shi-ships c-came here



Armin: Eren! Mikasa! Noah!

The fight between the two men went on until we heard armin's voice. Looking over to see him rushing over with his arms over and bread sticking out. When he stopped near us, he caught his breath and stood back up.

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