The ODM Test

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~*The ODM Test*~



Noah P.O.V

It was another day for our exams to truly stay in the military. I woke up and stretched out my limbs. I hear the others still sleeping and connie snoring. I chuckle as I get off the bed and change out into my uniform. I patted my uniform as I came outside. Gently and quietly closing the door behind me as I stepped down the stairs. 

I walk down the five cabins and headed to my left. Knocking on the door as no one answered. I waited on the porch until someone tapped my head, looking up I saw...

Noah: H-Hange!

Hange: hey, did you miss me?

Noah: Y-yeah! I also came like you said

Hange: awww you did miss me! Let's head inside, time to change those bandages

Noah: O-Okay

Walking inside the infirmary as I sat on the edge of the bed. Hange came back with the usual supplies and applied it to my head injury again. It was nice as I talked with Hange as she placed the bandage over my forehead.

Hange: the injury is healing but you gotta come back a few days

Noah: o-okay, thank you for taking care of me hange

Hange: no problem, remember to come back tomorrow morning

Noah: u-um t-then would it be alright to talk with you more

Hange smiled and ruffled my hair. As I smile.

Hange: of course, just stop by any time. I can talk to you more about sawney and bean

Noah: okay I have to go, bye hange!

I walk outside the infirmary and back to the boy's cabin. I look at the rooftop and then back at the sun. Thinking I can get a nice view. I got over on the rooftop and just followed along a path that for me. Making myself a flow until I made it on the boy's rooftop. Enjoying the sunrise as I smiled. I wonder if Dan and Dad are seeing this.

Maybe Dad but not dan. He always wakes up at noon.

Noah: mom, I hope you can see me up there. Dad is doing fine but I wish you could see me grow now

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2021 ⏰

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