Chapter 7

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"Whoa, whose house is this?" Willie asks.

"My friend, Rose's! She made her own studio from where the band and I used to practice!" I said.

"Cool! So, how did you two meet?"

"I met her once at a concert. My bandmates didn't know her as long as I did. She had a band of her own, and I got to meet her backstage. After that, we hung out all the time and then the band got to meet her."

"Nice! I can't wait to see her!"

"Well, unfortunately she can't hear or see us since we're ghosts. But it'll be worth it, I promise!" I grab his hand and get ready to head inside.

"Wait, before we go. Do you mind if we talk a bit?" He asks.

"Not at all. What's up?"

"Well, I haven't really gotten to know you that well since we first met. I was just wondering if we could introduce now while we have the time?"

"Sure! Well, obviously you know I'm Emma Patterson. I have a brother named Luke, who plays the guitar and sings. My other bandmates are Alex, Reggie, and Bobby. Unfortunately, everyone except Bobby died from food poisoning. And after that, I got into a car accident." As I explain the story, we both sit down at the end of the sidewalk.

"Wow. I am so sorry." He says with a frown.

"It's fine."

"So, I know Caleb has mentioned this before, but did you get to perform with the band?"

"Well, they only got to do small gigs before they passed. But no, not really. I was more of the helper."

"Let me guess... you wanted to be a part of the band but you couldn't?"

"Yeah... you're right." I sigh. "But that was because I wanted my brother to get the spotlight." 

"But didn't he already have it?"

"I mean, I guess. He was the lead player."

"So then why not give you a chance?" Oh great, this question again. 

"I don't know. I guess I never got to figure that out." I started to tear up after saying that. "Wow, I guess I feel... I-I feel...."


"Invisible. Even though I was alive during that time."

"Hey, look at the bright side. Now, you don't have to feel invisible. The crowd is cheering for you. They know who you are. Plus, now you have me by your side. And I won't forget you, no matter what."

"Thanks Willie." I give him a hug, then dry my tears. "Anyways, enough about me. What's your story?"

"Well, mine's not as tragic as yours. I used to be a skateboarder. I'd go and skateboard after school everyday, and would even compete against others. My parents fought and never paid attention to me, so I would just skateboard until they went to bed. Until one day, I tried to skateboard off of something high. And I fell off the edge and bamm! I died." My eyes widen as he finishes the story. Wow, I never expected that. I wish that never happened to him. 

"Wow... that's terrible. I'm sorry..." I say.

"Eh it's fine! I'm just lucky I got to be a ghost. Now, I can skateboard anywhere without being caught or getting hurt!"

"That's awesome!"

"I know right? Anyways, that's my story."

"Well, I think you're an amazing person who deserved much more."

"Thanks Emma, same with you. I think you have an amazing voice, you just couldn't show it to everyone." I smile and start tearing up.

"Yeah, it sucks but oh well. I was actually supposed to perform in front of my school but then I died."

"Really? I'm sorry. I think you would have been great!"

"Eh, I wasn't really the popular kid in school. So it wouldn't have been a big deal." I shrug.

"Well I think everyone would have become your friend after realizing how amazing you are. Besides, your parents would have been proud of you, and that's all that really matters."

"You're not wrong there. Except my parents never supported my decisions to continue music."

"Are you kidding me?" He scoffs.

"Nope. That's why I never understood why my brother wrote a song based on my mom. They would constantly fight and he'd leave. Then they would just blame me and I couldn't do anything."

"Wait, so your brother got to pursue his dreams of music while you were locked up in the house?"

"Yeah, but I don't blame Luke. I wanted him to live his dreams. I know it sounds bad, but he did care."

"You're such an amazing sister. Anyone would be lucky to meet you." He sighs.

"Thanks Willie. Same with you. You're the best person to talk to about anything."

"Thanks, and let me know if you ever need to talk. Anyways, should we go see your friend?"

"Yeah, let's go!" We walk through the studio doors, but see no one. "Huh, she must be in her house." I walk into the house and see her husband and two kids. Wow, time must have gone by fast. Now her kids are older! I guess being at that club made years go fast. Weird. I look over and notice them all crying. I try to figure out why they were crying by walking closer to them.

"Is everything okay?" Willie asks.

"I don't know... they're crying but I don't know why. And where's Rose?" I stop for a minute as I see someone laying on the couch. It was Rose. Hmm, must be taking a nap. Wait... but then why are they crying? I look closer and gasp. Oh my god.... She's not sleeping. She's not even breathing....

Hey everyone! So this chapter was kind of a filler. Just because I thought it would be good to have the two be closer friends. The next chapter will come soon though!

The Invisible Phantom |Julie and the Phantoms| (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now