Chapter 23

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I arrive back at the club and run straight to my room. I look around the hallway and notice nobody. I take a deep breath and finally enter my room. The room is dark, which might not be a good sign. I don't recall turning all of my lights off. Maybe Willie turned them off. I turn the main light on. I don't see Caleb here. Oh my gosh, that means I wasn't caught! I sigh of relief and walk over to my closet. I hear a lamp being turned on all of a sudden.

"And where did you think you could sneak off to?" Oh no. I'm dead. I know I'm dead now, but I mean ghost dead. I close my eyes and sigh. I turn around and notice Caleb sitting on the couch.

"I-I was just getting some fresh air." I say nervously.

"So you just happened to bump into your bandmates and then went with your brother afterwards?" And he caught me. This is not going to end well.

"I-Yes." I sigh. "I was hanging out with my band."

"I already knew that, darling. It's not like you could have lied about it." He chuckles. "However, I find it unfortunate that they might not consider joining my band."

"W-Why is that?" I ask.

"You don't need to pretend anymore, Emma. I know you warned them all about being apart of this club."

"That's because they already have a band. You showed me yourself." I roll my eyes.

"That doesn't mean I don't want them to be here. You're not the only one who wants Julie and the Phantoms to break apart."

"I would never want that to happen! I'm glad that they are able to perform in a way." I yell.

"You think I haven't noticed your feelings? I know you feel hurt, even jealous, about the Julie girl." He says.

"I'm not jealous. I-I'm just surprised that they could move on that fast." I scoff.

"Well, I'm not. I knew that they were going to forget you. Just like everyone else did."

"You want me to stay in this band, and yet you're being a total jerk?" I ask.

"I'm not being a jerk. I'm just telling the truth." He smirks.

"Look, I get that you know everything about me. But that doesn't mean you need to make me feel hurt about their actions. Our band is done. We won't ever be back together. And guess what? I'm okay with that." I say.

"Are you though?" He asks.

"No! Of course I'm not! I've never felt more useless in my life before!" I start crying softly as I shout that. I fall to my knees and continue crying. There it is. My breaking point. How unfortunate that the devil decided to bring it to life.

"I know it's not the easiest. And I didn't want you to be upset. But unfortunately, you have to face the truth at some point." He bends down to my level and wipes my tears off. "You don't need them, Emma. You're much better than them. That's why I brought you here."

"T-Then why do you still want them here?" I ask.

"Because of their talent and I thought it would be best to reunite your band like this."

"Well, I hate to break it to you, but they're not coming back here. They will do whatever it takes to find their unfinished business." I say.

"But do you really think they'll ever find it?" He asks.

"I-No. I wish they could, but no. So, if they refuse to join... that means...."

"They disappear forever." Oh no. There is no way I'm going to let my brother leave me again.

"Take the stamp off of them." I say.

"I'm afraid I can't do that. It's too late." He smiles.

"Then tell me what their unfinished business is!" I yell.

"Oh, so now you become protective again? After everything they've done?" He asks.

"I don't care about the past right now! I care about protecting my brother and friends!" I yell.

"Well, if they decide to join here, they won't need protection."

"Forget it, they're not coming back. I'll make sure of it."

"Wow. And to think I thought you actually loved it here." He frowns.

"Loved it here? I had no choice but to be here! I only told them to stay away because I know who you are! I'm not going to let you control my band!" I yell.

"Oh? And how do you think you can stop me?" He asks with a smirk. How can I stop him? He's more powerful than I am. Unless....

"By making a deal." I sigh.

"A deal? Hmm, I've never had to make a deal with a ghost before. Alright, Emma. What is the deal that you want to make?" He asks. I know I'll regret this a lot. But I'll do whatever it takes to keep my brother and my best friends safe.

Even if it means I can't see them ever again.

The Invisible Phantom |Julie and the Phantoms| (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now