Chapter 29

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Julie opens her eyes and notices that she is hugging Luke.

"How can I feel you?" She asks.

"I... I... I don't know. I...I feel stronger." Luke whispers.

"Alex, Reggie, Emma, come." We all walk over to Julie and have a group hug. Wow, I feel so much stronger than before.

"Whoa...I... I... I don't feel as weak anymore." Reggie says.

"Yeah, me neither. Not that, you know, I was ever that weak." Alex says. I chuckle as Reggie wipes my tears off. All of a sudden, we notice our arms feeling less painful. The stamps float into the air and disappear.

"What...What do you think that means?" Julie asks.

"I think the band's back." Luke says.

"It's been so long, and now we're finally free!" I exclaim.

"You guys think we could try that hug thing one more time?" Alex asks.

"Yeah." Julie says.

"Hugs are good." He says as we go back in for another hug.

"I like this." Reggie says as we all chuckle.

"Me too. Aww! We played the Orpheum! Whoo!" Julie says.

"Yeah, we did!" Alex shouts. I walk over to Luke after we break apart from the hug.

"So, you finally got to live your dream." I say.

"Y-Yeah. Look, I wanted to say that I'm sorry about-"

"I don't care about what happened in the past. I just care that we're in good terms." I give him a hug as we both tear up. "I'm so proud of you."

"I'm proud of you, too. You are such an amazing performer." He says.

"Same with you!" He looks over at someone, then walks away slowly. I turn around and see Reggie standing there. I walk over to him as he clears his throat.

"So, umm, I just wanted to say that, umm, i-it's okay if you don't-"

"Reg, shut up!" I say before giving him a kiss. "I like you, too."

"Really?" He asks.

"Who do you think that song was written for?" I ask.

"Does that mean-"

"Yes, I will be your girlfriend!" I say as he picks me up for a hug. I walk over to Alex after the hug.

"I just wanted to say thank you. For everything. And I know Willie and you work for Caleb, but that doesn't change how I see you." Alex says.

"Thanks, Alex." I say as I give him a hug. "Oh, and if you were wondering, the answer is yes. Willie does like you." I chuckle.

"He does?! I-I mean, he does? That's amazing!" We all chuckle before giving another huge hug.

"We should go celebrate everything!" Luke says. They start walking out until Reggie stops and turns around.

"Hey Emma! Are you coming?" Reggie asks.

"Yeah! I just have to find something quick!" I say.

"Oh! That reminds me!" Julie says before giving me a hug. "Thank you, for everything. I wouldn't be where I am today if it weren't for you."

"Anytime, Julie. Keep on singing, okay?" I ask.

"Of course! Will I see you later?" She asks.

"Yeah! I just need to finish some things super quickly. Since, you know, I couldn't go out as much."

"Alright, bye Emma!" Reggie says.

"Bye! I'm proud of you all!" I shout before they exit the studio. I sigh as I hear someone teleport in.

"So, does that mean you're ready to go?" He asks.

"Y-Yeah. I'm ready." I whisper as a tear rolls down my face.

"How unfortunate that this had to happen. It's not too late, you know."

"Forget it. I'm not going back!" I yell.

"Fine, it's your decision. Time to say goodbye to your little band."

"They're not my band. They're my family." I say.

"Whatever. Either way, it's time for you to go."

"I'm sorry, Luke." And that was the last thing I said before feeling the sharpest pain ever. Before I could figure out where it came from, I fell to the floor.

Well, this is it.

My final moment on this planet.

And all I could hear was that evil laugh from the man who made me a ghost.

Until everything became silent.

And all I could see was pitch black.

And the deal was done.

Everything was planned as it should be.

My family got out of this trap.

While I went off into a brand new world.

And faded away from the Earth.

Okay, when I'm telling you this is the worst chapter I've ever written, I'm not lying. This was soooo hard to do! It is just such an emotional roller coaster!

The Invisible Phantom |Julie and the Phantoms| (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now