Chapter 27

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After what felt like forever, I woke up in a different room. Where am I? I noticed my hands are tied. Okay, so I am not dead. Or disappeared, whatever that thing is that happens after you die! The point is I am still a ghost. But I know for a fact that Caleb has to do with this. And it is not going to be a good sign at all.

But wait, there's no barrier or something keeping me from leaving. Wow, what a genius he is. I stand up slowly, just so I'm not heard. I walk a few steps before I get electrocuted and fall back. Wait, was that from the stamp? I try to move again, but the same thing happens. So it's not the stamp. What if I try to teleport out? As I try to do that, I get electrocuted again. And I am still here. Great, there is some sort of barrier. I spoke too soon.

"Looks like you figured out about the barrier." Caleb chuckles as he turns the light on. Wait, this is his room I think. How is it that he wants me to stay, but the boys could easily leave?

"Where are they?" I ask.

"Well, I'm afraid that our new band members have left. They must have been so uninterested in joining." He responds.

"Wow, I wonder why." I roll my eyes.

"Still have the confidence, don't you? I thought you'd give up by now." He grins.

"I will never give up." I say.

"Even after trying to save yourself before?" He raises his eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Well, didn't you die from an accident?" He asks.

"Yeah, from a car crash."

"And weren't you trying to get out of the car before it fell?" He questions.

"Look, I don't know why you tracked me so much in my life. But I don't see why this was brought up!" I yell.

"Because last I recalled, this accident wasn't your fault." He says.

"It wasn't! This guy was on the road for some reason and-" Before I could say another word, I froze.

"And?" He raises his eyebrow again.

"A-And he caused me to crash." As I think of that memory, I saw something I haven't seen before. That man. He looks so familiar now. Oh. My. Gosh. I stand up and start backing up.

"What's the problem?" He asks.


"I what?"

"You killed me." I whisper.

"Everything's coming together now, isn't it?" He smirks.

"Why? What did I do to deserve this?" I ask.

"Nothing at all, dear. In fact, I did that so you could be brought to this club."

"F-Forget it. I don't want to be in this club anymore!" I yell.

"I'm afraid you have no choice now. That's why I kept the stamp on you. Otherwise, you'd be out instantly." He says.

"Then take the stamp off!" I shout.

"And why would I do that? After all, you are my star. I can't get rid of you!" He chuckles.

"Too bad! I'll leave this club, even if that means I get hurt!" He frowns for a second and looks down. All of a sudden, he grins and starts laughing. "What's so funny?" He walks closer to me. Before I could back up, he used his power to keep me in place. "What are you doing?"

"If I can't have you," He sighs before grabbing my neck. "No one can!" I feel a burn on my neck before falling to the ground. That felt like I got stamped all over again. "Now you can never leave!" He chuckles before leaving the room.

I touch my neck slightly, then flinch as I still feel pain. What did he do? Luckily, the barrier was shut off, so I headed back to my room. I ran to my mirror to see what happened. Oh no.

It's another stamp.

But not like the one before.

This has his name on it.

This is not a good sign at all. Willie teleports to my room all of a sudden and gasps.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"N-No. He killed me a-and stamped me again." I say as I tear up.

"Oh my gosh. Emma, I am so sorry!" He says.

"Why are you sorry?" I ask.

"Because I got you into this mess. I decided to listen to him and find you. And now, you've gotten the worst stamp possible."

"Why is it the worst?" I ask.

"This is the one that killed a ghost before." He whispers.

"What?! So he is going to kill me again?!" I shout.

"I-I don't know! I've never seen anyone with this stamp! I've only heard of what it could do!" He says.

"Oh no." I say with my eyes widening.

"What?" He asks.

"I forgot about the deal I made." I say.

"Which is?"

"If he lets the boys go, I will sacrifice myself."

"Why would you make that deal?" He asks.

"Because I thought he would easily let them go! I didn't know he would actually make me do something in return!" I shout.

"You can't ever make a deal with him like that! If you do, he will take it!" He explains.

"Oh my gosh, that means I'll die before getting to say goodbye!" I say.

"No. I will do whatever it takes to get you out of this mess. This has never happened before in ghost history, and I won't let it continue." He says.

"Willie, you need to stay out of this."


"No! I started this mess by challenging the most powerful ghost! Now, I have to end it!" I yell.

"There's no way you can stop him!" He yells.

"Yes there is." I say.

"What?" He asks.

"I'm sorry, Willie." I whisper.

"What are you doing?" He tears up.

"I'm saying goodbye to them." I say as my voice starts to crack.

"Emma, wait-" Before he could stop me, I teleported out.

And head straight to the Orpheum.

Where the boys can live the dream they once had.

The Invisible Phantom |Julie and the Phantoms| (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now