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Hey everyone. As you can tell from the title, I have some news I would like to share with you.

I can't tell you how you're going to feel. But I can tell you it needs to be told/heard.

As you know, this story just got finished. 

Now, the thing is I did mention something about a sequel.

Well, this is what the news is about.

Again, it might be good, it might be bad. It's totally up to how much you enjoyed this story.

But, I'd rather tell this now than to forget about it later.

Ladies and Gents....

This is the moment you've waited for!!! (Yes, that's from Greatest Showman!)

May I present to you.... 

The sequel of 'The Invisible Phantom'......

Starting today......

The Hollywood Phantom is officially starting today!

And the introduction is going to be posted in a second!

I'm sorry I'm evil! I wanted to make it sound like it wouldn't happen XD I know, I know, you can come after me now. I just thought I'd make the news a little interesting :) 

Anyways.... enjoy the first chapter!

And if you'd like to, I'd be willing to have someone make a cover! I can still make one, but if anyone is interested... let me know!

The Invisible Phantom |Julie and the Phantoms| (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now