The Darkest Place in my Mind

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(Y/N): I... Remember... Everything.


(Y/N) had recovered from the shock a little, but was still thrown off.

(Y/N): Everything you did... You killed so many people for your experiments.

Ragyo: And yet, my most successful project was you and Kanketsu. The perfect Kamui. I tested the life fibers on both you and Satsuki. For some reason, you resonated with them better than even I ever could.

(Y/N): I was just 9. You... Tortured me, because you wanted Kanketsu to wake up. That's how I got the scars...

Ragyo: Exactly. I did that, because you were weak minded.

(Y/N): What!?

Ragyo: Despite having the power of the perfection, you were just a little punk. You didn't take things seriously.

She grabbed (Y/N) by the neck and lifted him up.

(Y/N): But... W-why did you send me away for 7 years!?

Ragyo: For you to grow up mentally. You were too impulsive to control Kanketsu back then. And now, I can see that my plan worked out just fine. Your power increased a lot, and you can even synchronize with it. Consider this some sort of "shock therapy".

(Y/N): You... Bitch!

Ragyo then threw him face first on the ground.

(Y/N) quickly lifted his face up and recoiled back. His nose was bleeding.

Ragyo: You don't know this, but for Kanketsu to reach his full power, your body must be brought to its absolute limit. And I intend to make that happen.

(Y/N): Shut up!

(Y/N) rushed her and delivered a flurry of different strikes, but none of them were working.

Ragyo then caught his fist and just crushed it with her hand, making (Y/N) fall to one knee in pain, she then kicked him away.

(Y/N) was dazed, but he managed to get up, as Ragyo was slowly walking towards him.

(Y/N), all of this is really sudden fir both of us... But, please just retreat. We can't beat her like th-

(Y/N): Oh, now you're telling ME to stand down!? Shut up and let me handle this.

(Y/N) didn't even notice that Ragyo was just in front of him. He looked up quick, but was met with a punch right to the face.

He stumbled back, as his nose started gushing out blood.

(Y/N): Agh!

Ragyo: I know you still resent me, son. And I won't try to make you feel any other way. All I want you to do, is to embrace that anger. Embrace the hate and take it all out on this world.

She's trying to get you worked up, just like Nui did. Don't fall for it-

(Y/N): I told you to shut the hell up!

Get a grip! This isn't you. Get yourself together and think this through, before you get yourself killed!

(Y/N): Bold of you to say that after losing it just a minute ago, you ass!

(Y/N): What are you on about!?

Ragyo: You are perfection. Embrace all the hate you feel, and let the life fibers in your body take over. With that, you will reign over this puny world with me, when I awaken the life fibers and the world comes back to its primordial state.

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