Brave New World

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Two weeks later

Honnouji Academy

No One's POV

Satsuki and Sanageyama were standing face to face in courtyard, both wielding kendo swords.

The other elites, Ryuko and Mako were watching.

Inumuta: Don't tell me he's still hung up on beating Lady Satsuki.

Gamagoori: It's his way of getting closure.

Nonon: Geez, you boys and your egos... What a pain.

(Y/N) and Ryuko were silently watching.

Sanageyama: Now that were done with Ragyo and there's no more distractions, we can find out who's stronger.

Satsuki: Your eyes look good, Sanageyama.

Sanageyama: Oh, come on. That's a corny strategy. Trying to blind me with praise.

Satsuki: It would take more than just praise to do that. First strike wins, yeah?

Sanageyama: Hm... En Garde!

He jumped at Satsuki and both started clashing swords. But something seemed off.

(Y/N): Is she really being forced back like that?

Ryuko: Come on, Satsuki! Fight back!

Sanageyama: What the hell? It's like she's not even into it.

Satsuki: If you're holding back on me, don't even bother.

Sanageyama: Not even! I'm in this to win, Satsuki! MEN!

They clashed blades, but Satsuki's swordsmanship proved superior as she cut Sanageyama's blade in half.

Sanageyama: Son of a...

Satsuki: Go on, fetch a new one.

Sanageyama: Nah, it's cool. You won.

Satsuki: Fine. That was a very good match. You fought well. Thank you.

She bowed to show respect and turned away.

The other approached Sanageyama.

Mako: That's Lady Satsuki for you! She can dodge everything!

Gamagoori: Why didn't she press on the attack?

Nonon: Okay, monkey, spill it. What was that about?

Sanageyama: I don't know. It's like she... Wasn't there.

Inumuta: Like she disappeared?

Sanageyama: No, man. It's like that iron will she once had was completely gone.

(Y/N): The truth is..

Everyone looked at him.

(Y/N): She's trying to find a way to hang up her sword for good. She's been hung up on that for the past few weeks.

Ryuko then approached Satsuki.

Ryuko: What's wrong? That wasn't like you at all.

Satsuki: Now that Ragyo's been defeated, there's no reason for Honnouji Academy to exist. In thirty days, I'll shut it down as planned.

She then walked away from the others.

(Y/N): What's going on with you, sis?

The next day

(Y/N) had made his way to Honnouji early in the morning to talk to Satsuki, he went straight to the, now mostly destroyed, main building.

He made his way to the top floor and entered the meeting room. The whole walk felt somber. The once never noiseless Honnouji Academy was now a mess of debris and destruction and just sheer silence.

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