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I wake up the day after with my phone ringing.


I don't have a phone...

I sit up in bed and grabbed whatever was ringing anyways. Oh, it was that phone that Lady Satsuki gave me for my spying missions. I press the accept call button and-


That scream snapped me out of my sleepiness straight away.

(Y/N): Aahhh! Shit! Wait, G-Gamagoori!? Why did you call me? And why did you have to scream so loud!?

Gamagoori: You're late.

I look at the clock.

(Y/N): It's three in the morning!

Gamagoori: You idiot! You should've known, today is no tardies day!

(Y/N): What!? No one told me about that!

Gamagoori: It was written amidst all of those papers you signed on the day you joined!

(Y/N): Do you really think I read that!?

Gamagoori: You should've! By the way, you have 50 minutes. Come find me in the no star district. Farewell, (L/N).

He ended the call and I just sat there, confused.

Now that's some major bullshit.

(Y/N): Yeah, tell me about it.

I get up and, very slowly, do my morning routine. By the time I'm done, I only have 10 minutes left, good thing I'm a three star, so I just have to use the cable car.

When the cable car arrives at the no star district, I jump out and see a tall platform and Gamagoori is standing on it. He tells me to climb up the platform and I oblige.

(Y/N): Alright, can you please explain what's going on? And why did you wake me up at three in the morning!?

Gamagoori: Today is the day where all no stars put their lives in the line. It's a day of reckoning, a day of death. IT'S NO TARDIES DAY!

(Y/N): And just what the fuck do we have to do with this?

Gamagoori: We have to supervise the students, just in case they cheat.

(Y/N): Cheat? Cheat!? Aren't their lives in constant danger? Why do we care if they cheat or no-

Gamagoori: Quiet, (L/N)! I sense an evil presence nearby...

He's right, someone's near.

I get my guard up, waiting for who ever it might be.

I hear a familiar voice coming from behind some houses.

Ryuko: No tardies day? What the hell is that?

Gamagoori's eyes spark as he simply knocks down the houses in front of him, to reveal Mako and Matoi surfing on the students on top of a guitar case where Matoi usually hides her blade.

(Y/N): Oh shit!

Gamagoori: AHAHAHAHA! Do I detect some confusion, Ryuko Matoi!?

Ryuko: Bite me! Elite jerk! And what the hell are you doing here too!?

(Y/N): Wha- Hey, don't look at me! This madman just woke me up at three in the morning! I'm as confused as you are!

Gamagoori: My title is chair of the disciplinary committee. And my name is IRA GAMAGOORI! Pay attention, new girl. Once every semester, no star students put their lives at risk just to arrive at Honnouji in time when the bell tolls, at 8:30 AM. It starts when the buzzer rings at 4. However, you are required to run an obstacle course designed by the disciplinary committee. If you fail, however, you will- WHAT THE HELL!?

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