Far from the Madding Crowd

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Mako: What're you saying, Ryuko!? Senketsu is your bestest friend in the whole world! The Ryuko I know would never say something so horrible! She wouldn't! She wouldn't! She wouldn't! That's not the Ryuko I know! It's not! It's not! It's not!


Ryuko: Then you don't know me...


Ryuko: Everything about me was a big, fat lie. I ain't even human. Now I can't even die. I'm a god damn monster, just like Ragyo!

Mako: You're not...

???: Awww, looks like someone's having a bad day!

The pieces of the COVERS started coming together to form an image of Nui

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The pieces of the COVERS started coming together to form an image of Nui.

Ryuko: Nui Harime!!

Nui: Aren't you getting all mad at the wrong person? Why don't you come after me, huh? Come on!

Ryuko: Shut up!

Ryuko cut up Nui with her blade, but the pieces just came back together and forming an image of Ragyo this time.

Ragyo: What nimble reflexes you have, daughter dear.

Ryuko: I ain't your daughter!

Ragyo: I understand your confusion, but it's not your fault. Blame it on Soichiro, pardon me, Isshin. It was his idea to hide the truth from both of us, and you can see how foolish that plan was. He ended up using you like a pawn. As you mother, I can understand how you are feel-

Ryuko: I told you already, I ain't your daughter!

She started slashing up Ragyo, but the pieces just kept coming back together.

Ragyo: Magnificent. Now that's determination. When I look at you, my heart sings, more than it ever did for that failure of a sister of yours!

Gamagoori: Enough! I won't stand by and let you mock Lady Satsuki!

Ragyo's head extended to Gamagoori.

Ragyo: Now why on earth would I give any praise to the daughter who stabbed me in the back!?

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