Out of the Chains

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That girl... She's the holder of the other half of the scissor blade. She's the reason all of this shit happened in the first place!

Matoi rushed Nui with her blade as they started clashing blades, none actually hitting each other.

Ryuko: Why'd you do it? Why'd you kill my dad!? He said that if I found the person with the other half of my scissors, I'd find the one who killed him! You were the one I saw running away that night!

Nui: Yup, that was me alright!

Ryuko: Then WHY!?

Nui: Oh, come on! You know why.

Ryuko: Stop screwing with me. My dad died before he could tell me anything!

Nui: You're wearing the reason. Your dad was messing around with stuff that humans never should. Taboo stuff!

Nui then twirled around Matoi, going behind her.

Nui: But that's the thing about taboos: they feel so good...

She said as she caressed Senketsu with her left hand, which made him recoil instantly.

Senketsu: That woman's hands are as cold as ice!

Nui: Oooh, so silky... That's 100% life fibers for sure!

Ryuko: Don't dodge the question!

Nui: Come on, Ryuko, we just met. Let's do something fun instead of talking about such gloomy things!

Ryuko: Are you freaking kidding!? Why the hell would I wanna do anything with you!?

Nui: Don't be so narrow minded. There can't be love without hate. They go together just like a sailor uniform and a good student lining! It's like, the deeper the hate, the deeper the love!

Ryuko: Them I'm gonna love killing you!

Nui: Ooohh, Ryuko,  you're so gorgeous when you're angry!

Ryuko: Shut up!

She says taking a swing at Nui.

Nui dodges the attack and manages to hook a thread from Senketsu using her nail, just like she did to Sanageyama.

Mako: Look! It's another red thread!

Gamagoori: That's a Banshi. This is bad...

Nui: I can't wait to see what you look like naked!

She pulls the Banshi as Senketsu starts smoking out, but eventually stops.

Senketsu: Did you really think I'd be so flimsy, I'd come apart after one thread's been pulled out?

Nui: That sly old dog... I can't believe he was hiding something like that from me!

They clashed blades again.

Nui: All those months ago, a little birdie told me that your daddy was messing with some dangerous stuff, so I had to go check it out!

Ryuko: Huh!?

Nui: After I stabbed him with his own precious Rending Scissors, someone's voice distracted me and he ended up cutting my eye out! So, I took half of the scissor and slashed his weak, old body 'till he couldn't breathe anymore!

Senketsu: So she left with half of the Rending Scissors, but had no clue about me. Dr. Matoi was cunning.

Ryuko: It WAS you! You were the one I saw running away!

Nui: Yep! But if I knew that such a cutie would be coming, I would've stayed a bit longer!

Ryuko: Stop joking around!

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