One Final Challenge

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It's been months passed since my fight against Fukuroda, things were going great for me. My Self Defense club grew even more after the fight, let's just say that the one stars will be getting bullied again so soon.

I've been gaining a lot of confidence from Lady Satsuki as of late. Might be because I beat a lot of club captains in the last few weeks. Ever since my club became the most successful in the Academy, some sort of bounty was put for beating me. If you did you would gain a lot of credibility or some shit like that.

Needless to say, I beat all of them. But... To be fair, there isn't much of a competition. I mean, there's stuff like the "Tightrope Walking Club" or the "Hula Dance Club". What can they do against me?

The only good thing to come out of that was the fact that I improved my combat skills a lot. I was even able to control that electricity I managed to generate a little better.

Anyways, I was walking around the halls one day, waiting for the classes to begin. The Nonon comes up to me.

Nonon: (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Hey, Nonon! What's up?

Nonon: Nothing much. But, Lady Satsuki told me to come warn you that you have to go to her office when the first period's over. Get ready, 'cause you'll probably have to fight someone.

(Y/N): Hmmm... I wonder if she'll ask me to beat Fukuroda again?

Nonon giggles at my little joke.

Nonon: No, but seriously. I think it's something more serious.

(Y/N): Oh, shoot. Well, don't worry. I'll be ready for anything that she throws at me!

I say with a confident smile.

Nonon:*mumbling* You better be...

(Y/N): Did you say something?

Nonon: What! No! I-I mean... I'll see you after the first period.

She walks away fast with her head low.

(Y/N): Heh... She's cute when she's shy. I mean, when isn't she cute? Agh! Get you thoughts right!

I shake my head slightly and head towards the classroom. The first period passes and I head out of the classroom.

Mako runs towards me and hugs me.

Mako: (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Hey Mako! Sorry, I don't think I can have lunch with you today. Lady Satsuki wants me to go to her office right now.

Mako: Awww. What for? *gasp* Are you getting a promotion or something!?

(Y/N): Yeah... I really don't think that's how it works. Anyways I gotta run. Bye Mako!

I wave and start walking fast towards Lady Satsuki's office.

Mako: Bye, (Y/N)!

I get close to the door that leads to the room outside of her office. Then I hear someone talking. I try to resist my urge of eavesdropping, but I eventually give in. I lean my ear on the door.

Sanageyama: Why does he have to be here? I mean, we can take care of this by ourselves.

Gamagoori: Settle down. And you better not try anything funny.

Nonon: Yeah, will you chill out already? It's been over a year since he joined and you're still having doubts!

Sanageyama: I just can't bring myself to trust him. *sigh* I can't believe Lady Satsuki would even consider doing that. Why would she?

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