Elite Five

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I slowly open my eyes, trying to adapt to the brightness, I then look around the room I'm in and realize I'm at Mako's place, I then sit up.

I'm laying down on the ground with a pillow and a blanket, any injuries that I might have gotten from yesterday have been patched up and, surprisingly, I'm not in any pain except in my left arm.

I put my hand on my head and try to remember what happened yesterday.

(Y/N): I was supposed to be dead... But for some reason I'm not.


(Y/N): This voice. There's something inside of me that saved me from death. What is i-

Mako: Oh my God, (Y/N)!

Mako then busted through the door and launched herself towards me in a hug. She locked me over and was on top of me, with her face buried on my chest.

Mako: (Y/N)! (Y/N)! I thought you wouldn't wake up! After that hit you took, you fell over and-

I look down at Mako and see she's tearing up. Now I feel bad. I wrap my right arm around her.

(Y/N): Hey, it's ok. I'm alive, see?

She looks up at me, tears running down her face.

She looks up at me, tears running down her face

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Mako: Don't scare me like that again,

She got up and wiped away her tears, just as she did that, Barazo, Mako's father, walked in the room.

Barazo: Ah, (Y/N), you're awake, finally!

(Y/N): Ah, Mr. Mankanshoku. Thank you for patching me up.

Barazo: Nah, it's nothing! Just your arm was a little bit tough to get right, even if I had a little help from that thread thingy you have.

(Y/N): Wait, wha-

Just then, Sukuyo and Mataro came in the room. Sukuyo was holding a plate full of croquettes.

Sukuyo: Oh! Good thing you're awake, (Y/N)! Now settle down, come eat with us!

Mako and Barazo ran to the table as Sukuyo set the plate down with Mataro by her side, Guts even joined them.

Mataro: Yeah! The best way to get your mind relaxed is filling your belly! Especially with mom's croquettes!

Guts: Guts! Guts!

All of them began chewing down on the croquettes. I hesitate a bit, but smile and join them.

After we finish eating, I excuse myself and go home. I just can't stop thinking about what happened yesterday. What were those life fibers coming out of my arms?

The next day

My arm's feeling a lot better, still not completely healed, but way better. The fact that I'm almost completely healed after almost dying yesterday is just scary. There's something very wrong with me and I have to find out what it is.

Elite (Kill La Kill x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now