For Days Long Gone (Rewritten)

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(A/N) Check the message board on my profile for an update.


Honnouji Academy

An entire tower of one star students helped Sanageyama up, as he was going to try and destroy the transmitter.

Sanageyama: CHAAAARGE!

He tried to stab the life fiber coating around the transmitter, but got knocked back, as he fell close to the other Elites.

Gamagoori: Are you alright?

Nonon: That's what you get for jumping in head first!

Inumuta: I swear you never learn...

Iori: It's a high velocity life fiber jammer. Its threads spin so fast, it-

Mako: Woah! It's like a giant rubber sock!

Aikuro: So if we don't shut that jammer off...

Tsumugu: ... We're stuck here, with our asses hanging out!

An explosion happened at the main tower.

The three siblings. Ryuko, Satsuki and (Y/N) were trying to fight Ragyo to the best of their efforts.

Satsuki jumped and actually managed to stab both of Ragyo's hands, but she simply broke off her blades and punched her away.

(Y/N) was up next, as he tried a combination of strikes on Ragyo, to no effect either. A simple swing from her hand was enough to knock him a few feet away.

Meanwhile, Ryuko wasn't having the best luck in fighting off Nui, either. She was blocking and dodging all her attacks with ease.

Nui jumped close to Ragyo, as she spoke.

Ragyo: Enough of these distractions. Now, allow me to show you who the master is.

She brought her hands together and a blinding light started shining. Everyone had to cover their eyes.

The uniforms of everyone in the courtyard started shining, as they powered down and the stars on the cloths disappeared.

Sanageyama: What the-!?

Inumuta: No way!

Nonon: My stars are gone!

Senketsu and Junketsu also powered down, shocking Ryuko and Satsuki.

Nothing had happened to Kanketsu, however.

(Y/N): What happened!?

Ragyo: Shinra Koketsu: Absolute Submission!

Ryuko: W-what's wrong, Senketsu!?

Senketsu: I can't move! That light is paralyzing me with fear!

Ragyo: Shinra Koketsu was designed to be the master of all life fibers in clothing. Those who rebel against it, trembme in fear and are redeemed powerless. This is Absolute Submission!

(Y/N): But since Kanketsu isn't clothing...

Kanketsu: ... It doesn't work on me.

Ragyo snapped her fingers, and a bunch of shutters on the transmitter opened up and the cameras inside of them projected a video on the wall.

Ragyo: Here is the world seen via satellite.

The video showed footage from people all around the world.

Ragyo: Look at all of those people. All of then wearing REVOCS clothing. When I unleash the power of Absolute Submission upon the world, the dormant life fibers in their clothing will awaken. Every human will be swallowed by their clothing and the earth will become a single piece of cloth. New life fibers will be born inside this cocoon sphere, and when the planet explodes, it will scatter across the cosmos. This is how the universe works, and you have no means of opposing me.

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