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     The next morning Rory woke up surprisingly early, without waking Newt up she placed a soft kiss on his forehead and got up. She went back to her room and changed into leggings and a white vest top since it was a warm day. Rory also put on her boots and tied her hair into a ponytail before brushing her teeth and leaving. The doors where due to open so Rory jogged over to them to see Minho and Thomas off.

"stay safe you too. I mean it" Rory smiled at the pair

"whoa Rory being sentimental that's rare" Minho teased making Rory roll her eyes "keeps rolling your eyes and they'll be stuck like that"

"you know what get stung by a griever i don't give a fuck" Rory chuckled and shook her head before bringing the boys into a hug just as at doors open "now go find our way home"

"on it boss" Thomas joked, Rory saluted the pair as they ran off into the maze. The rest of the day Rory spent in the med-jack hut, keeping an eye on Alby since he seemed to just be asleep and not struggling. When the two boys where due back Teresa came in and took over, she still didn't like the new girl but she was grateful that she was looking out for the boy. She went over to the group of boy waiting outside the gates.

She jumped on Newts back when she got there, he chuckled and grabbed the back of her thighs holding the girl up. Thomas and Minho got back seconds after Rory arrived. 

"what the hell was going on out there" The blonde boy asked as they walked further into the glade, Rory being carried still.

"what the hell have you done now Thomas" Rory heard Gally mumble as they walked past him.

"we found something. A new passage, we think it could be our way out" Thomas stated looking between Newt and Rory who was still on the boys back.

"For real!" Rory exclaimed and tightened her grip around Newts shoulders in excitement.

"its true. we opened a door, something I've never seen before. We think it must be where the grievers go during the day" Minho answered. Rory smiled and went to say something but got cut off by chuck.

"Wait. Wow wow wow. Your saying we found the grievers home" The younger boy stated, walking in between the two runners "and you want us to go in"

"there way in could be our way out" Rory raised her eyebrow and pointed at the younger boy.

"yeah or there could be a dozen of grievers on the other side. Truth is Thomas doesn't know what he's done as usual" Gally shouted, Rory sighed and jumped off newts back ready to get into the middle if need be. She crossed her arms and stood beside the blonde as Thomas walked up to Gally.

"well at least i did something. I mean what have you done aside from hide behind these walls all the time" The brunette stated. The girl groaned quietly and laid her head on Newts shoulder.

"let me tell you something greenie. you've been here three days, I've been here three years" Gally stated matter-of-factly

"yeah you've been here three years and your still here Gally. What does that tell you, maybe you should start doing things a little differently" Thomas spat, Rory was just about to step in when she heard Teresa speaking.

"Hey! its Alby! he's awake" Teresa stated. Rory smiled a little and grabbed onto newts hand without hesitation before pulling him into the med-jack hut. Rory was the first one over, sitting on the makeshift bed in front of the older boy.

"Hey Al" She smiled softly as Newt sat beside him

"Alby? Alby you alright" Newt asked quietly. The boys eyes where welling with tears and all Rory wanted to do was pull him into a hug so she got up and wrapped her arms carefully around his neck. Alby was quick to do the same, wrapping his arms around her waist and holding her tight.

"Hey Alby" Thomas whispered but newt put his finger to his lips as a signal to let the pair have a moment. Newt knew how much they both cared about each other. When Rory pulled away she gave him a comforting smile and sat opposite "we might have just found a way out of the maze. You hear me, we could be getting out of here"

"We cant" Alby whispered while shaking his head. By now Rory also had tears welling in her eyes "we cant leave. They wont let us"

"what are you talking about" Thomas asked the question everyone was wondering

"I remember" The chocolate skinned boy spoke, his voice cracking a little. She made eye contact with newt then Thomas 

"what do you remember" Thomas whispered.

"you" Alby's face crinkled with anger. Everyone paused "you where their favourite Thomas. Always" suddenly a bunch of yelling was heard from outside, every person in the hut looked around at one another "why did you do this. Why did you come here" A silent tear rolled down his face. Everyone ran out to see what was going on, Rory was the last one leaving Alby to his thoughts.

Everyone was carrying a light source as they ran around, fear engulfing everyone. Rory gulped loudly as she joined the group, walking up beside Thomas who was talking to Winston.

"its the doors, they aren't closing" The boy stated before running off.

"well don't just fucking stand there, lets go" Rory demanded before running over to the huge concrete doors. They where wide open just like Winston said. Rory started biting on the skin of her nails until newt noticed and grabbed her hand. Suddenly a loud bang ran through the glade followed by the noise of gears moving. Another gate opened, then another, then the final one.

"chuck go to the council hall, barricade the doors okay" Rory stood in front of the boy "Winston go with him okay" The two boys walked off "someone grab the others, go to the forest and hide" She instructed "Minho grab every weapon you can find, we will meet you at the council hall" a few boys ran "Thomas, Teresa, go get Alby" They nodded. Suddenly the shrieking noise of a griever filled everyone's ears. Then came the metal footsteps.

"Okay everyone hide" Rory yelled "ill be distraction"

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