Lance Likes Keith!!

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~Just a random one shot~ 

Lance was lying on his bed, his hands behind his head, legs crossed. He was thinking. Keith was coming back from the Blade today. Lance made a face. 'Stupid emo jerk.' He thought. 'With his stupid hair and his stupid pretty eyes and his stupid amazing fighting skills and his stupid-' Lance sat up, shaking his head. "Not now gay thoughts." He muttered. 

But it was hopeless. Lance had fallen hard for Keith. Lance hadn't even realized it until Keith went away. Lance had stayed up all night, thinking about Keith. Everything about him drew Lance in and as soon as he was gone.... well to Lance it felt like a little bit of sunshine was taken from his day. 

Lance moaned and shoved his face in his pillow. Then he heard a knock at his door. "Hey Lance, buddy, can I come in?" Hunk asked.

 Lance moaned something and Hunk walked in. "Hey dinners ready." He said, and then left. Lance sighed and stood, glancing at the mirror. 

Lance's eye went wide and he ran over to it, fixing the strand of hair that was out of place. 'There.' He thought to himself. He smiled and walked out. 


Keith was finally back. He was taller, more muscular and wore black armor, his hair pulled back into a ponytail. He walked in and looked at everybody sitting down. 

Lance was the first to notice him. "Keith!!" He yelled, jumping from his seat and throwing his arms around Keith's neck. He kissed Keith's left cheek and then his right one. 

Keith barley had time to react. His face went red, a contrast to his pale skin. Lance froze, realizing what he had done. "Gah sorry!" Lance jumped away. Keith blinked a couple times and the rest of team Voltron giggled at the pair. 

"Sorry sorry sorry! When your Spanish you kiss peoples cheeks to greet them, I'm so sorry, its a habit!" Lance blurted before rushing away to his room. He flopped down on the floor moaning. He had just messed up big time. 

"You know what I find funny?" Pidge asked Hunk after Lance ran away. 

"What?" Hunk asked looking over to the girl.

"If your Spanish, girls kiss girls cheeks, boys and girls kiss each others cheeks but guys always shake hands." Pidge said, her face contorted with confusion. 

"Wait.... are you saying..." Hunk asked, eyes going wide. Pidge's mouth dropped open. 

"Ohmygosh- that means-" 


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