LYLT-Part 1

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~This is the REAL start of the book. This part is the first 10 seconds (0:10)~ 

"Keith please tell me what's going on in that stupid mullet head of yours," Lance said, crossing his arms. He had stopped the boy after dinner and pushed him against the wall, demanding an answer. Keith had been acting off recently and Lance was determined to figure out what was going on. 

Keith glared silently. "I've said, for the one-hundredth time, nothings going on." He attempted to go around Lance but the brown-haired boy stopped him, putting a hand out to thwart his attempts to leave. 

"Somethings going on, so stop lying." Lance mimicked Keith's glare. Keith's eyes narrowed and his eyebrows drew together even more than before. 

"Let me leave." He said, voice dangerously low. Lance shook his head. 

"Tell me what's going on." He saw Keith's jaw clench and regretted pushing the emo boy.

"Just let it drop Lance!" Keith cried. His hands were balled into fists by his side and he lowered his head, his bangs hiding his angry face. 

"Keith I know somethings bothering you-" Lance set a hand on Keith's shoulder, trying to calm the paladin down, now more concerned. 

"I SAID STOP LANCE!!!" Keith yelled, slapping his hand away with all his might. Lance inhaled sharply, his arm slowly turning red where Keith hit him. He recoiled, looking at Keith with wide eyes. 

Keith sighed, resting his head in his hands. "Just leave me alone." He said before pushing past Lance and walking away. Lance bit his lip and groaned before turning and walking in the other direction. 

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