Gloved Hands

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Just a random one-shot I thought of, not actually part of the LYLT (Love You Like That) series. I'll do that part next, however!

~For as long as Lance could remember Keith had worn his black fingerless gloves always. On missions, just at home, even when he slept. Lance was usually okay with it until he wanted to hold Keith's hand. The glove prevented him from actually being able to feel Keith and it made Lance angry. 

However he had asked once if Keith would take them off but Keith refused, and they got into an argument. Since that day, Lance never asked him again. He respected his partner but it frustrated him that Keith couldn't do one simple thing~

A New Day

Keith and Lance were sitting on the couch, outside the meeting room where the others were. 'Stupid aliens.' Lance thought. The two boys weren't allowed in the room, the reasons unknown to them.

After thirty more minutes Keith woke up from his nap and stretched, looking at Lance. "Hey, wanna go for a walk?" He asked and Lance jumped at the chance to get away from the uncomfortable couch. 

The two boys walked next to each other, climbing a small hill and looking at the view. Little mushroom houses dotted the green landscape, the rivers that sounded them, sparkling and shining. Lance plopped down on the grass and raised his arms over his head. 

Keith smiled and sat down next to his boyfriend, looking out over the sun-drenched fields. "This view isn't bad." He remarked and Lance snorted. 

"Have you ever said the word 'pretty' or 'beautiful' before?" He asked and Keith smirked. 

"I seem to remember calling a certain blue paladin's eyes 'gorgeous' once before." 

Lance blushed, his plan backfiring. "Oh? And who is this 'blue paladin' you speak of?"

Keith laughed. "You, obviously." He reached down and ticked Lance's exposed stomach. 

Lance shrieked, curling up almost immediately, and shot Keith a death glare. He was extremely ticklish and Keith knew it. "I hate you."

Keith smiled innocently. "I love you too." He looked back out over the fields and Lance stretched out again, careful to keep his hands over his stomach. 

The two males sat in silence for a bit before Lance whispered softly. "I wish my family could see this." 

Keith looked back at the boy and saw the pain in his eyes, and smiled sadly. He gently picked up one of Lance's hands and kissed his knuckles. 

"I'll get you back home soon. I swear." He promised before letting himself lay down on the grass next to Lance. 

He didn't however drop his hand, and they lay in silence for a bit longer. Then Keith pulled his hand away. 

Lance automatically missed it and reached out to take it again, only to be surprised when a warm something grabbed his hand. 

Keith had taken off his glove. 

He was holding Lance's hand. 

It was such a small, simple gesture, but it brought Lance to tears and he curled into Keith's side, salty tears slowly streaming down his face. 

And Keith held him. Their bare hands intertwined, with no glove to separate them. 

Love You Like That ~ A Klance Fluff StoryWhere stories live. Discover now