Chapter One

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*Bakugou's P.O.V.*

I was walking to UA, when I saw that the press was outside the school. One of them had tried to approach me themselves, but I told them to piss off after they had mentioned the slug monster. Finally, I was able to get into the school only to be surrounded by all of the extras.

I got into the classroom to see that all the desks had been rearranged in the back. There were no longer four rows of five desks, but it was now four rows of four desks and a two rows of three in the back. Once everyone took their seat, it was easy to notice that there was still an empty one.

"Okay, now before we get down to business, I have an announcement for you class. I'm sure you've noticed the extra desk in the room. We have a late student joining the class," Mr. Aizawa announced, crawling up from under the podium.

Everyone in the class instantly started chattering about the news.

"I knew something was going on," Mina commented.

"Wait, a late student? That means they didn't have to take the entrance exam," Iida added.

"Maybe they got in through recommendations," Momo stated.

"Everyone quiet down. Yes, she got in through recommendation-"

Mr. Aizawa was instantly cut off by a knock at the door.

"Come in," he sighed.

The door quietly opened and a (h/c) hair stood in the door way. She didn't look like anything special. It was hard to believe that such a boring looking girl could get in this late on the year just through recommendations.

"Good to see you found the room, (Y/N). Go ahead and take that empty seat," Mr. Aizawa told her.

She nodded to him as a response and went towards the back of the classroom. She didn't seem too bothered with everyone's eyes on her. She simply took her seat and focused her attention to the front of the room. People were still talking among themselves throughout the room, but nothing was said that I could hear too clearly. I don't understand why everyone seemed so interested in her.

"She must be pretty amazing to get in this late in the year," I heard Deku mumbled in front of me.

The idea made me scoff out loud ,"I'll be damned if any extra is better than me."

"Quiet down. You guys can talk about her later. We have important things to do today," Mr. Aizawa said, bringing everyone's attention back to the front. "Today's training will be a little different. You'll have three instructors. Me, All Might, and another faculty member will be keeping tabs on you."

More chatters were heard around the room, until Sero asked what kind of training we would be doing. Mr. Aizawa then explained the rest of the task and how it would focus of rescues of natural disaster- it all sounded pretty boring. However, I instantly started paying more attention when Mr. Aizawa said we could wear our costumes.

We all instantly went to our costumes, and I couldn't help but notice that the new girl had a spot as well. They sure do work fast even for the ones that don't even look worth it. She pulled out a dark purple suit that was complimented with green. I studied it only for a moment. Not much was giving a hint to what her quirk does.

"Keep staring and people are going to call you a creep," a voice behind me taunted.

I turned back to Mina behind me. She held a stupid smirk on her face, like she had just caught someone in trouble. I only rolled my eyes at her before gathering the rest of my costume.

"Are you going to talk to her?" Mina asked.

"As if," I snarled.

"Shame, she's rather pretty I think. I'm sure her and I will be the best of friends," Mina cheered, before going over to the new girl.

In a matter of minutes, the new girl was laughing and smiling with her.


"Hey, let's go," I heard Kirishima said from the front of the room.

As soon as we got to the front of the school, Iida was taking the class rep out of hand. We all got into the stupid line like he asked, only to load an open floored bus. The other started talking among themselves. The new girl sat next to Mina with the others as they all talked about their quirks, but the new girl hadn't said much at all.

"Say (Y/N), what's your quirk?" Kirishima asked her.

I hadn't been paying much attention before, but I couldn't help but want to overhear this conversation. I looked to the group in front of me. All eyes were on her, but she didn't seemed all too fazed.

"Nightmare acid," she told them. "Essentially, I have this acid that I can shoot out, and when it lands on others, they start to hallucinate and see their biggest fears start to fold in front of them."

Everyone stared at her in awe, and I couldn't help but snarl at it all.

"OMG! I have an acid quirk too!" Mina smiled. "But, it isn't nearly as cool as yours."

"Wait? So, it is just hallucination? Like illusions?" Su asked.

"Well, at first it was, but it has been getting a lot stronger. I can now bond the molecules in the acid to create smaller aspects of the fears," she explained.

And just like that, everyone was gawking over the stupid girl.

"That could be a real pro-hero quirk," Kirishima remarked. "Just like Todoroki and Bakugo."

I couldn't help but look back at them. Of course, I had to become a topic of discussion.

"Sure, but Bakugou's always angry, so he'll never be that popular," Su commented.

That little-

"What'd you say?? I'll kick your ass!" I shouted at her, climbing up to the railing.

"You see?" Su added, looking towards the extra.

"You see we just met you, so it's kinda telling that we all know your personality is flaming crap mixed with garbage," Denki pointed out.

"You are going to regret the day you applied to this school you loser!" I shouted back at him.

We soon went back and forth before Mr. Aizawa cut us off, seeing as we had arrived. We all went up to the building to be introduced to the space hero, Thirteen. We entered the building to see different types of natural disasters all around. However, just as we were about to get started the power stopped working in the facility and a pitch black hole appeared.

"Stay together, and don't move," Mr. Aizawa instantly told us.

I took a closer look to see that there were bodies coming out from the black hole, and soon, more appeared.

"Stay back. This is real, and those are villains," Mr. Aizawa warned us, putting on his goggles.

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