After the festival, we were told that we would have a small break before returning back to school. I spent my two days off mostly resting before coming back to class as normal. Mina has asked me to get together, but Recovery Girl informed Edgeshot about all of my injuries and that I needed rest. So, he basically made me stay bedridden for the two days.
When we showed up for class after the break, things were chaotic as ever, but for once I didn't seem to mind. Everyone was talking about the effects of the sports festival. It seemed that a lot of the class was getting extra attention from it. Listening to it all made me wonder if that was why Kamihara kept me from going out.
Before I could let my mind get too caught up, Mr. Aizawa soon came in. He finally had his bandages off and told us that we were finally going to pick our hero names before our internships. Mr. Aizawa then displayed our recruiting offers on the board. I instantly saw that Todoroki had to most offers, which was weird considering that Bakugo one. Sero commented on it, which caused Bakugo to last out on him. I wonder-
Finally, I found my name on the list. I was second to last, which I couldn't be too shocked about. After all, the pro's aren't a big fan of me. I expected that most the offers I got were friends of Kamihara, which was fine. I would rather work with people I know.
We next moved onto picking out hero name. Midnight came in to assist us, since Mr. Aizawa didn't seem too enthused. A hero name was something that I had thought of before, but because I never thought I would actually go through with being a hero, it was never a serious thought. One by one, we went up and presented the names that we came up with. Personally, I really liked Su and Kishishima's names, but there were a few people who had to go a couple times before Midnight approved them.
"Nightmare Venom??" Midnight questioned. "Are you sure you want something so- dark?"
I started to shuffle awkwardly in front of the class. "Well, I—"
"I think it sounds awesome," Mina said.
Denki and Kirishima instantly backed her up, and soon the rest of the class started to speak positively about it. I couldn't help but smile in her direction as Midnight started to nod her hear.
"I can see how it would be cool, very intimidating," Midnight accepted.
I then went back to my desk as Todoroki, Midoriya, and Bakugo picked out their names, although it took a while with Bakugo. Once we picked our names, Mr. Aizawa went into more detail about our internships. I was given my form and saw that my assumptions were correct. I knew all the heroes on the sheet. My plan was to stick with Kamihara. I know that he would worry less if I was there, and it was probably better for me.
The rest of the day went by pretty smoothly, and soon school was dismissed. As I left the school, I couldn't help but notice the group of boys in front of me.
"I don't care who his dad is or what they think of me, I won the sports festival, so I should have more offers," Bakugo grumbled to Denki and Kirishima.
"You gotta admit, they have good reasoning...I mean just look at you," Denki commented.
"What did you—"
"Calm down Bakugo, you still got great offers...hey I have to stop at the store, you guys want to come?" Kirishima asked them.
"Oh, I'll go," Denki said.
"As if," Bakugo replied, walking the other direction for them.
"Alright, see you tomorrow," Kirishima waved him off, unbothered by his attitude.
It bothered me, though. Bakugo was really starting to piss me off.
"You're kidding me, right?" I said loud enough for him to hear.
He instantly turned around to look at me, "Huh- oh it's the extra—"
"Save it," I cut him off. "You know, I thought after Todoroki beat you on internship offers, something would start to click with you."
"What the hell are you trying to say?" he spat back at me.
I let out a sly sigh and looked back into his crimson eyes, "They see us as the same you know...that's why you didn't get as many offers- in their eyes, we're villain because of my past, and you because of your shit attitude."
As expected, he instantly lashed out, "who the hell do you think you are to say that to me? I kicked your ass once, and I'll do it again-but I won't hold back this time."
"My point exactly," I told him.
He didn't seem to have a comeback for that, and I wasn't going to sit around and wait for him to come up with one.
"Goodnight Bakugo, maybe you'll have some character development before the'll need it before your internship," I waved off to him before heading home.

Rude Boy: (Katsuki Bakugou x Reader)
FanfictionThis is my first MHA fanfic and I am beyond excited to work on it. However, much like the Tsuki story I am writing, this one was more requested and will only be worked on periodically when I can, but I hope you like it :)